2004-10-22 00:24:53雲妮


(20/10/2004, Wed)
真可惜, 已經無o酉alice堂, 得番gemma & crystal, 今日就正正係得gemma教psycho. 我好乖咁聽o左好多書~^.^~ 今日係講emotional development & learning. gemma講o左一d說話令我印象頗深刻~

當講到how the elderly cope with the crisis 時, gemma話:
"寧願o係adolescent & adulthood experience多d, 咁o係elderly時就能容易些cope with the crisis. 因為到時人又老, 身體又唔多好時, 會好難面對新挑戰, 新轉變. 小時候有好多o野都可以避, 但到大個時就一定去面對, 無得避~ e.g.family problems, learning, study... "
感恩主曾給過我許多的挑戰和難關, 使我能一直去成長的同時, 亦能學習如何面對各樣問題~

"Nursing is a profession over the world.
Nurese are needed over the world."

又講到:"現今讀書最緊要識諗o野, 識分析; 唔需要care係咩degree! 懶理是讀enginee, medicine or politics. "

"Your learning power is rely on how positive you are."

入唔到自己想讀o既科, 唔駛唔開心或太介懷wor~ 學到o野就得ga la~~!! ^0^