2007-08-26 00:16:25楊桃

Gareth Gates - 守護天使 (歌詞)

PIC:葛瑞蓋斯 (Gareth Gates)

My life was flashing before my eyes
我的人生 在眼前閃過

A second later and I woke to realize
下一秒鐘 我清醒過來

My heart had crashed and burned in shame
我心已碎 被烈火灼傷

You pulled me from the flames
是你 拯救了我

I took your hand and you
是我 握住你手

Helped me up on my feet

I confessed but you had forgiven me
我認錯 你早就原諒我

There’s courage in the truth you said
你說我 面對需要勇氣

Our love will never end
我們的愛 直到永遠

You shield me from danger
你的翅膀 讓我遠離危險

You’re my shelter

You are my hiding place

There’s an angel on my shoulder here tonight
守護天使 今晚來到我身邊

Making sure that I’m alright
關心著我 是否安好

When I’m fallin’ fast you rescue me
我跌倒 你奮不顧身

You love unconditionally
你的愛 毫無保留

And when I’m cold and so alone

Back in your arms I feel at home
到你懷中 有著家的溫暖

I pray that you will always be
我祈禱著 你永遠是

The guardian angel sent for me
落入凡間 我的天使

My dream comes between us every now and then
我的夢想 有時會傷害我們

I make mistakes, get in trouble time and again
我的錯誤 讓問題不斷湧現

I ain’t proud of who I am

When I’m down you understand

Blinded, you can always
看不清 只有你

Seem to show the way

You’re the light

You’re the reason I’m here today
你是力量 支持著我

If you cry I will cry
如果你悲傷 我會流淚

So dry your eyes

There’s an angel on my shoulder here tonight
守護天使 今晚來到我身邊

Making sure that I’m alright
關心著我 是否安好

When I’m fallin’ fast you rescue me
我跌倒 你奮不顧身

You love unconditionally
你的愛 毫無保留

And when I’m cold and so alone

Back in your arms I feel at home
到你懷中 有著家的溫暖

I pray that you will always be
我祈禱著 你永遠是

The guardian angel sent for me
落入凡間 我的天使
