2003-07-18 22:04:55胖胖

Never Been Kissed


我滿喜歡看輕鬆的浪漫喜劇片而Nevern Been Kissed是滿不錯的選擇唷!今天在因為鼻竇炎發作昏睡了一整天後一起床剛好趕上看星期五晚上電影的時間所以邊吃晚餐邊回味這部電影。

Never Been Kissed是由Drew Barrymore主演她同是也是製作人之一,本片由Drew的Flower Production Company製作福斯電影公司發行,Drew在影片裡飾演Josie是一名記者被公司派到高中去臥底要負責寫一篇關於現在高中生的專題報導,Josie原本在念高中時就是常常被嘲笑的對象所以她回到高中生活後又嚐了一次恐怖的經驗,幸好她弟弟的幫忙還有認識的好朋友讓她的臥底工作順利進行最後還交到了男朋友。

Never Been Kissed的故事其實並沒有很多surprising的地方可是卻能讓人輕鬆的一笑,Drew Barrymore在片中不計形象的搞笑真的會讓你笑到直不起腰,如果你喜歡romance comedy這部電影很好看唷!


JOSIE: That thing.(指親吻) That moment. You kiss someone and it's like the world around you gets all hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this other person and you know that one person is the person you're meant to be kissing for the rest of your life. And for that one moment you've been given this amazing gift and you want to laugh and cry at the same time because you're so lucky you found it, and so scared that it will all go away.

(quote from Never Been Kissed : http://www.geocities.com/nbkonline/)

胖胖曰: 我也希望有這種kiss哩! 不知道哪天會等到?

官方網站: http://www.foxmovies.com/neverbeenkissed/
Yahoo Movies : http://www.upcomingmovies.com/neverbeenkissed.html