Wow, Hello Kitty Marble Soda! I like the one you showed up in the picture with you taking the picture (2nd one from the last).
省到水電:Bal b/f TW$0+TW$365=TW$365 Bal c/f
台灣潮濕的氣候裡,雨季一到,不僅衣服難乾,就連棉被、抱枕甚至鞋子都容易受潮發霉,讓人倍感困擾, 尤其在寒冷的冬天,蓋著冰
到了一定的年紀 朋友會越來越少 從合群到B群 從努力到維骨力 從寶貝早安到葡萄糖胺 從寶貝心肝到斯斯保肝 從錢櫃狂歡到京
Wow, Hello Kitty Marble Soda! I like the one you showed up in the picture with you taking the picture (2nd one from the last).