2007-06-27 05:53:05周處 -- 花狗來的阿桑


Don’t have a table yet.

Got rid of the old one before packing.
That sorry old table set was too crappy
Even Boys and Girls’ Ranch thought it’s unacceptable.

Kids eat on kitchen counter, then later on sturdy paper box.

Now I got ourselves a new-and-improved-bigger-and-better box table
Just a couple days ago.
It has some nice features like the leg cut-outs that kids adore.

We’ll definitely shop for a new table
As soon as we’re capable.

no table (Food: 2-week-old 肉燥)
1st generation box table

new and improved



功夫太太 2007-06-27 21:07:02

Looks good. Who`s design?

most saught after - me〔周處〕lah! 2007-06-27 22:54:52