2017-08-14 18:39:03fangdan

Constipation what can you do what good method for the treatment of constipation

Many people have constipation phenomenon, cause constipation toxins can not be properly discharged, thus affecting the health. How do constipation? What is the treatment of constipation have what good method? Women's health network Xiaobian to introduce ten kinds of network has been circulating on the treatment of constipation eating small folk prescription, and these small folk prescription effect is good, there is constipation, you must not miss oh.

1. morning fasting drink water: 500C.C. cold boiling water after getting up fasting drink 1-2 grams of salt.

"Advice: cold water to stimulate intestines and stomach peristalsis effect on fasting stomach, and the ice stimulation effect is better, but the ice for children, pregnant women, the elderly are very bad, and gastrointestinal bad nor drink ice water. Recommend hypertensive patients without salt, so as to avoid the kidney caused by metal ion salt in the burden.

2. plus yogurt powder: Green Tea pot yogurt plus 2 teaspoon Green Tea powder, fasting drink.

"Advice: yogurt can change the intestinal bacteria ecology, help the growth of probiotic, effective for constipation and flatulence. But it should be noted that the yogurt to flavor no sugar or lactose containing liquid to the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria can cause the body burden. Green Tea powder contains a lot of fiber, can help gastrointestinal motility, better combined effect, but not fasting suggested that the stomach is not good to drink, to avoid diarrhea.

3. apple juice: Burdock an apple and a burdock juice fasting drink.

Suggestion: "apple is rich in pectin, is a good way to promote defecation, burdock crude fiber can increase the amount of production, suggestions don't put fruit residue filtered out with pomace drink effect will be good. If you can not buy burdock, available to other high fiber food substitute.

4. aloe juice: drink a cup of fresh aloe juice fasting.

Suggested: Aloe in monosaccharides help gastrointestinal motility, maintain intestinal bacteria growth but plexus, must remember to get rid of the skin in the production process of aloe juice, aloe skin in large yellow because the point hurt the stomach, diarrhea phenomenon. But in not clear for edible varieties of aloe hastily drinking may cause other diseases.

5.: add a lot of chili peppers or chili sauce in the dish, can let the stomach pain, and "Yixieqianli" effect.

"Advice: capsaicin which can stimulate the stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea have effect, many people eat hot pot will cause diarrhea diarrhea is the truth, but is not a normal row stool, the stomach is stimulated for a long time will cause paralysis, but the long term constipation, in addition to stimulating food too stomach injury, cause gastroenteritis.

6.: the market sells organic organic vinegar vinegar, fruit vinegar, diluted with water fasting drink.

"Advice: Organic vinegar row stool for machine are unclear, but organic vinegar changes in the gut pH, may thus change growth of intestinal flora, and the same principle of lactic acid bacteria

7.: slimming tea, slimming tea on the market as long as a tea, a cup of tea can pull a few back.

"Advice: when buying tea must see the ingredients label, commercially available qualified slimming tea mainly by a large number of fiber help in environmental protection, the body is no harm, some unscrupulous operators will add a lot of laxatives, although very gut, we can put all the places they discharged immediately, but for a long time will let the intestinal paralysis caused by constipation. And slimming tea ingredients source does not determine any drinking may cause physical discomfort, serious may also be dead.

8. fasting therapy: 7 days of fasting, drinking only water and maple syrup, fifth days will begin mass defecation.

"Recommendations: 7 days fasting is just a rumor that in fact, during the fasting stool shortage, it will cause constipation, fasting therapy can defecate is maple syrup containing laxative ingredients, but also a long time without food intake may cause hypoglycemic coma or shock, so this is a very unhealthy diet, no help on defecation.

9.: the water column is inserted into the colon hydrotherapy intestines, injection of water or coffee concentrate a lot, can put the intestinal wall wash very clean.

"Advice: colon hydrotherapy can really take on the intestinal wall sticking waste washed clean, but there will be the risk of colon hydrotherapy intestinal hole, and will depend on the effect.

10. rose tea: a rose with 7 California dates, 1000C.C. boil, when the water to drink.

"Advice: dry plum juice had a laxative effect, and the rose is a cold, drink will be diarrhea, the recommended daily intake of 500C.C., drink will cause dependence.

Call to read so many clever clean up method, whether you wondering how to choose the right fat clearing method? In fact, as long as your normal diet, drink plenty of water to eat fruit, to maintain proper exercise, life seat normal, poo will naturally normal discharge!