2006-07-18 04:28:24fancem

Someone Who Lives In Your Heart





那是段屬於年少輕狂的悸動,制服搭配書包刻畫出青春無敵的全貌。右手勾著換帖麻吉的肩,笑鬧聊些不相干的蠢事;左手牽著令你怦然心動的小手,羞澀說著私密的情話。可以瘋狂,可以浪漫。所有想到就臉紅心跳的事都發生在校園,第一次的假裝不經意牽手;四下無人時蜻蜓點水式的first kiss,輕啄卻難忘,在心中播下愛的種子;激情擁抱不小心翻倒花圃的盆景,兩人摔得滿身泥沙,相視大笑,種子也萌了芽;彼此依偎仰頭望星空,默默許下相同的心願。這段情踏遍校園的每處,白天的、夜晚的,每個場景都清晰映在眼簾,留下跳躍的足跡繼續探索著。





Someone Who Lives In Your Heart -- by All-4-One

Last night, I dreamt that you were beside me
It seemed so real, that I cried
When you touched me, you’re my angel
And you’ve given me wings
And I’ll fly away with you wherever you go
Cause you’ve filled my heart and you’ve captured my soul
And baby I want you to know

If there’s one thing in this world that I know is true
It’s the love that I feel when I’m thinking of you
No ocean, no mountain can keep us apart
Cause no one can take away someone who lives in your heart
All out hopes and our dreams are alive
I’ll carry you with me through distance and time
Nothing in this world can keep us apart
No one can take away someone who lives in your heart

And I know there’s a million stars between us
But they won’t stop my longing
To hold you and to kiss you
How I love you

And I’ll find my way to you wherever you are
Coz you’re in my soul and you’ve got my heart
And your love will carry me on

If there’s one thing in this world that I know is true
It’s the love that I feel when I’m thinking of you
No ocean or mountain could keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart
All the hopes and the dreams are alive
I’ll carry it with me through distance and time
No one in this world could keep us apart
Coz no one can take away someone who lives in your heart
