所得稅課徵範圍 - 中華民國來源所得
所得稅課徵範圍 - 中華民國來源所得
中華民國來源所得 sources in the Republic of China
非中華民國境內居住之個人 nonresident in the Republic of China
除本法另有規定外 Unless otherwise provided in this Act
就源扣繳 withheld (扣) and paid (繳)at the respective sources (就所得來源)
For any individual having income from sources in the Republic of China, consolidated income tax shall be levied in accordance with this Act on his income derived from sources in the Republic of China.
Unless otherwise provided in this Act, in the case of an individual who is a nonresident in the Republic of China but who has derived income from sources in the Republic of China, income tax payable by him on all such income shall be withheld and paid at the respective sources.

下一篇:保證 guaranty