2024-05-15 16:01:24多面向呈現



quite UK 
 /kwaɪt/ A2 adverb UK
a little or a lot but not completely:
I'm quite tired but I can certainly walk a little further.我有些累,但肯定還能再多走一會兒。
pretty UK 
 /ˈprɪt̬.i/ B1 adverb informal
quite, but not extremely:
The house has four bedrooms, so it's pretty big.這棟房子有四間臥房,因此非常大。
rather UK 
 /ˈræð.ɚ/ B1 adverb
quite; to a slight degree:
It's rather cold today, isn't it?今天相當冷,是不是?
proper UK 
 /ˈprɑː.pɚ/ adverb UK not standard UK informal
used for emphasizing what you are saying:
I was proper annoyed with him.我對他非常生氣。
tolerably UK 
 /ˈtɑː.lɚ.ə.bli/ adverb formal
to a limited degree or quite:
I play the piano tolerably well, though I have no particular talent for it.雖然我在彈鋼琴方面沒有特別的天賦,但是我彈得還算可以。
correspond UK 
 /ˌkɔːr.əˈspɑːnd/ B2 verb
to match or be similar or equal:
The money I've saved corresponds roughly to the amount I need for my plane ticket.我存的錢大致夠我買機票所需。
-ish UK 
 / -ɪʃ/US 
 / -ɪʃ/ suffix
used to form adjectives to give the meaning to some degree; fairly:
He had a sort of reddish beard.他的鬍子略帶紅色。


fairly UK 
 /ˈfer.li/ B1 adverb
more than average, but less than very:
She's fairly tall.她個子比較高。


comparable UK 
 /ˈkɑːm.pɚ.ə.bəl/ C1 adjective
similar in size, amount, or quality to something else:
The girls are of comparable ages.這群女孩年齡相仿。
well matched UK 
 /ˌwel ˈmætʃt/US 
 /ˌwel ˈmætʃt/ adjective
similar or equal (to something):
At the start of the competition the three teams looked extremely well matched.比賽一開始,那三支隊伍看起來旗鼓相當。
coequal UK 
 /ˌkoʊˈiː.kwəl/ adjective formal
equal in rank, ability, or power to another person or thing
commensurate UK 
 /kəˈmen.sjɚ.ət/ adjective formal
in a correct and suitable amount compared to something else:
a salary that is commensurate with skills and experience與技能和經驗相稱的薪水
equal UK 
 /ˈiː.kwəl/ adjective formal
skilled or brave enough for a difficult duty or piece of work:
It's a challenging job but I'm sure you'll prove equal to it.這項工作很有挑戰性,但是我相信你最終有能力完成它。


average out phrase
to be or become equal in amount or number:
The highs and lows of life tend to average out in the end.人生一世,往往起起落落,到頭來還算公道。


quite a bit B1 phrase
a lot:
They have quite a bit of money.他們很有錢。
some UK 
 /sʌm/ B2 determiner
a large amount or number of something:
It'll be some time before we meet again.我們要等上相當長的時間才能再見面。


be in the (right) ballpark phrase US
to be close to the right amount:
"And do you think the projected sales figures are realistic?" "They're in the right ballpark."「你認為預計的銷售額符合實際嗎?」「數字大致是準確的。」


pay for itself phrase
If something pays for itself, it works so well that it saves the same amount of money that it cost.
The advertising should pay for itself.這則廣告所帶來的收益應該能回本。


decently UK 
 /ˈdiː.sənt.li/ adverb
in a way that is socially acceptable or good:
She admitted that she hadn't always behaved decently.她承認她並不總是表現得很得體。


decent UK 
 /ˈdiː.sənt/ B2 adjective
socially acceptable or good:
Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living.人人都應該有權獲得像樣的工資/過著體面的生活。
half decent UK 
 /ˌhɑːf ˈdiː.sənt/US 
 /ˌhæf ˈdiː.sənt/ adjective informal
quite good or skilled:
Any half-decent sprinter can run 100 metres in eleven seconds.任何一個不錯的短跑選手都可以在11秒以內跑到100米。


longish UK 
 /ˈlɑːŋ.ɪʃ/ adjective
quite long


for some time B2 phrase
for a fairly long period of time:
I've been doing yoga for some time.我做瑜伽已有一段時間。


goodish UK 
 /ˈgʊd.ɪʃ/ adjective UK informal
quite large:
a goodish distance/number相當長的距離/相當大的數目


good UK 
 /gʊd/ C1 adjective
used to emphasize the large number, amount, or level of something:
We've walked a good distance today.今天我們走了好長的一段路。
fair UK 
 /fer/ C2 adjective
quite large:
We've had a fair amount of rain this week.本周我們這裡下了不少雨。
goodly UK 
 /ˈgʊd.li/ adjective old-fashioned
great or large:
The audience was of a goodly size.觀眾人數非常多。
sizeable UK 
 /ˈsaɪ.zə.bəl/ adjective mainly UK
a sizeable amount/area/house大量/大面積/大房子
considerable UK 
 /kənˈsɪd.ɚ.ə.bəl/ B2 adjective
large or of noticeable importance:
The fire caused considerable damage to the church.那場火災給教堂造成了重大損失。
goodish UK 
 /ˈgʊd.ɪʃ/ adjective UK informal
quite large:
a goodish distance/number相當長的距離/相當大的數目


fistful UK 
 /ˈfɪst.fʊl/ noun informal
a large collection or number:
He has a fistful of acting awards.他獲得了許多表演獎。


good UK 
 /gʊd/ C1 adjective
used to emphasize the large number, amount, or level of something:
We've walked a good distance today.今天我們走了好長的一段路。
goodly UK 
 /ˈgʊd.li/ adjective old-fashioned
great or large:
The audience was of a goodly size.觀眾人數非常多。
considerable UK 
 /kənˈsɪd.ɚ.ə.bəl/ B2 adjective
large or of noticeable importance:
The fire caused considerable damage to the church.那場火災給教堂造成了重大損失。


respectably UK 
 /rɪˈspek.tə.bli/ adverb
in a way that achieves a reasonable result:
He performed respectably in the Olympics, although he won no medals.在奧運會上他雖然沒有獲得任何獎牌,但表現相當好。


respectable UK 
 /rɪˈspek.tə.bəl/ C2 adjective
A respectable amount or quality is large enough or of a good enough standard to be acceptable.
She earns a respectable salary.她的薪水頗為豐厚。
fair UK 
 /fer/ adjective
(of an idea, guess, or chance) good, but not excellent:
I think I've got a fair idea of what you want.我想我很了解你想要甚麼。


good UK 
 /gʊd/ C1 adjective
used to emphasize the large number, amount, or level of something:
We've walked a good distance today.今天我們走了好長的一段路。


oldish UK 
 /ˈoʊl.dɪʃ/ adjective
quite old:
"Is she old?" "Oldish - late sixties, maybe."「她老嗎?」「有點老——可能快70了。」


parky UK 
 /ˈpɑːr.ki/ adjective UK informal
(of weather or the conditions in a room) quite cold:
It's a bit parky today, love - you'll want your coat!今天有點冷,親愛的——你會需要大衣的!


significantly UK 
 /sɪgˈnɪf.ə.kənt.li/ B2 adverb
in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount:
My piano playing has improved significantly since I started with a new teacher.自從換了一位新老師,我的鋼琴水準有了明顯提升。


dismally UK 
 /ˈdɪz.mə.li/ adverb informal
in a way that is very bad:
Their attempts failed dismally.他們的嘗試慘告失敗。


considerable UK 
 /kənˈsɪd.ɚ.ə.bəl/ B2 adjective
large or of noticeable importance:
The fire caused considerable damage to the church.那場火災給教堂造成了重大損失。
