2023-04-02 19:33:22多面向呈現


 Watching mindless TV, clicking on Instagram ads, biting into a CBD (or stronger) gummy. We all have our go-to ways of shifting from day brain to night brain and easing into chill mode. The thing is, these seemingly soothing rituals might actually be amping you up and robbing you of your end goal: deep, restorative slumber. What’s an overextended woman to do? Change into your comfy pants, and learn what sleep experts have to say about…

1. The after-work workout

Hitting that 7 p.m. HIIT class may seem like a great way to wring out your anxious energy from the day. If you’re so wiped afterward that all you want to do is lie down, great. But if not, listen to your body. “After exercising, your heart rate, body temperature, and adrenaline levels are all elevated, which can make it challenging for you to relax and fall asleep easily,” says Shelby Harris, PsyD, an associate professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Exercise tends to affect each person differently, which is why some of us have no issues conking out after CrossFit. Take note of the timing and the level of intensity of your evening workout to gauge whether it enhances or hinders your sleep hygiene, suggests the Sleep Foundation. Or try a less aerobic exercise like yoga, which can help improve sleep quality.

2. The post-dinner pour

If you could write a children’s book called Goodnight, Glass of Cab, you might want to abstain from alcohol in the evening—or at least not drink within three hours of bedtime, says Harris. Sure, it can take the edge off and make you feel at ease. That’s because alcohol acts as a depressant, according to the National Library of Medicine, meaning it slows brain activity and can make you feel a little sedated and even sleepy. But the harsh truth, per the Sleep Foundation, is that even the moderate consumption of one drink can decrease your quality of sleep by 24 percent.


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There are a few reasons for this. Practically speaking, you’ll probably have to pee in the middle of the night, which definitely interrupts your z’s, says Kin Yuen, MD, a sleep medicine specialist at UCSF Health. Second, researchers have found that booze can suppress precious REM sleep, that deep phase of rest when you slink into dream mode. As a result, sleep tends to be lighter, which may cause you to wake up more frequently and feel exhausted in the morning. Another issue is that “alcohol also functions as a muscle relaxant,” which can trigger major problems for people with sleep apnea, a condition that makes it hard to breathe during slumber, says Yuen. “The tongue and the tissues around the throat relax and obstruct your airways,” inducing beast-like snores that wreck your beauty sleep.

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3. The call of cannabis

If you like to nibble on a gummy or smoke weed now and then to really mellow out, there’s a good chance you’ll fall asleep faster and rest pretty well, according to recent research. But you might run into issues if you use it more than three times a week specifically to get to bed, says Yuen. In a 2021 study, researchers found that 78 percent of the chronic nighttime users slept less hours and took 30 minutes or more to fall asleep (the average time is between 10 to 20 minutes). So while cannabis may do the trick for a while, you eventually may have more trouble nodding off. Not to mention, if you stop using it abruptly, you probably will experience withdrawal symptoms that include light and easily interrupted sleep, Yuen adds.

4. The evening scroll

Now, we all know someone who can pass out during even the most thrilling movie and still get the best sleep of their life. We’re not talking about those people. We’re talking about people who get wired from nighttime screen time.

Whether you’re watching something as heart-racing as The Last of Us or as boring as the Weather Channel, or dosing on Ted Lasso or TikTok, blue light from any electronic device can inhibit melatonin production in the brain, says Carleara Weiss, PhD, a behavioral sleep medicine and circadian rhythms specialist. That’s the hormone that tells your body, Hey, it’s getting dark outside, so it’s time to turn in. Plus, we can all use the friendly reminder that social media “can create the illusion that everyone except you lives a perfect life,” says Weiss, adding that it can trigger social anxiety, loneliness, and depression, leading to poor sleep quality and multiple awakenings during the night. If this sounds familiar, try switching off all screens at least an hour before bed.

5. The pleasure principle

There are very few sensations like the zen that comes after the big O. Sex and self-pleasure can release hormones like oxytocin and prolactin that help relax the body and give you euphoric vibes that may help you melt into sleep. Of course, this isn’t the case every time for everyone—especially if an experience is less than satisfactory or emotionally distressing. For example, “if there’s any kind of dissatisfaction, resentment, or unspoken issue between you and your partner, that may trigger uncomfortable emotions that perpetuate insomnia,” says Yuen.

Even without the potential emotional complications of making love (with yourself or others), some people just find that sexual activity is too stimulating before bedtime, says Harris. It may require a “bit of trial-and-error” to figure out what works for you, she says. Who knows? You might be a morning sex person.

6. The bedtime pill pop

Another person you probably know? The friend who swears by sleeping pills like Ambien. Studies have shown that they can be very effective in treating insomnia for a period of time, “but they’re not intended to be used long-term,” says Harris.

Ambien activates a neurotransmitter that slows down your central nervous system, causing you to feel sleepy. It works quickly, too—usually within 30 minutes, according to Weiss. But for some people, it may also trigger uncontrollable shaking, dizziness, and nightmares. It also suppresses REM sleep and can cause memory loss, adds Weiss, which is the reason you shouldn’t rely on it.

Other over-the-counter medicines like Benadryl, though helpful at first, have drawbacks, too. They work to block histamine, a chemical that keeps you alert, but it’s common to build up a tolerance toward them, says Yuen. At some point they might not work at all, leaving you groggy and just plain frustrated. 










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