2023-03-22 11:18:21多面向呈現



verb [ T ]   formal UK  /əˈfɜːm/ US  /əˈfɝːm/


to state something as true


[ + (that) ] The suspect affirmed (that) he had been at home all evening.


start to encourage others, affirm others, and appreciate one another.




we seek out situations, jobs, and people that affirm our intelligence, perceptions, and self-worth and avoid situations or people who are hurtful, harmful, or demeaning to us.




this should be done when it’s quiet and you should completely focus on the affirmation. you should have no other thoughts or mental pictures in your head when you affirm your new belief.




but israel is the one to affirm its holiness by observing the rules that make it different, that mark it off as holy.




to get people to perform at high levels, you must plug into their human side, or their human nature, affirm them, and help them meet their own needs.




we neither affirm nor deny it; we simply can’t comment on it as scientists.




you create your version of heaven when you affirm your perfection, for everything in heaven is perfect, and live with the knowledge that you are powerful and capable of manifesting every dream.




humor is a way to affirm ourselves, to rise to meet a challenge, channel fear into pleasure, translate pain into courage.




love letters carry a message of worth from the writer to affirm the receiver.




relinquish the fear of looking soft and go out on a limb and affirm your partner first.




i couldnt affirm that you are, observed my young lady, wondering at his pertinacious assertion of what was evidently an untruth.




it is important to affirm with attention, as well as with strong desire, faith and persistence.







UK  /əˈfɔːd/ US  /əˈfɔːrd/

afford verb (HAVE ENOUGH)

afford financially經濟上負擔得起


afford trust給予信賴


afford amusement提供樂趣


afford accommodation提供膳宿


can afford買得起;有能力負擔


never afford從未負擔得起


afford time能抽出時間


afford injuries負擔受傷



but most of our clients can always afford [to buy art].




but they went all out to afford the higher education for him.




all of the extra training did afford me plenty of time to myself for reflection and contemplation.




by raising the cost of construction projects, our nation can afford fewer of those projects.






to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time


I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.


Few people are able to afford cars like that.


She couldn't afford the time off work to see him.


[ + to infinitive ] I can't afford to buy a house.



We couldn't afford to pay the lawyer's fee.

We can't afford another trip abroad this year.

How can he afford to buy himself a brand new car?

Don't be so ridiculous! I can't possibly afford to go on holiday.

Building a dam would be a use of financial resources which this country cannot afford.

afford verb (GIVE)


[ T ] formal

to allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary


The hut afforded little protection from the elements.


[ + two objects ] Her seat afforded her an uninterrupted view of the stage.






noun [ U ]

UK  /əˈɡreʃ.ən/ US  /əˈɡreʃ.ən/

a non-aggression pact/treaty 互不侵犯協定/條約

physical aggression身體攻擊

spoken or physical behaviour that is threatening or involves harm to someone or something


Some types of dog are bred for aggression.


an act of aggression


Such action constitutes an aggression upon women's rights. 這種行為是對婦女權利的侵犯。

He is capable of outbursts of uncontrolled aggression.

Does your dog show aggression towards any strangers or just towards men?

You have to learn to control your aggression in order to avoid serious conflict.

To launch a pre-emptive strike would be an act of aggression against that country.

When a cat wags its tail, this is usually a sign of aggression.




A go ny 割你

noun [ U or C ]

UK  /ˈæɡ.ə.ni/ US  /ˈæɡ.ə.ni/

同義詞n. 痛苦;苦惱torment, suffering, pain, torture, grief, distress, anguish, woe, heartache

反義詞 solace, consolation, relief, comfort


extreme physical or mental pain or suffering


She lay there screaming in agony.


I was in an agony of suspense.


We've both suffered agonies of guilt over what happened.





get ahead

ph. 成功; 能存些錢; 償清債務

She got ahead by sheer determination. 她完全靠決心取得了成功。

After father pays all the medical bills, maybe we can get a little money ahead and buy a car. 在父親付清了全部醫療費以後, 我們也許可以積一點錢買輛汽車。

Dr.eye 譯典通片語

go ahead

ph. 進行; 發生

Despite the bad weather, the fete will go ahead. 儘管天氣不好, 遊樂會照樣舉行。

The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned. 新橋的修建將按計劃進行。


streets ahead

ph. 【口】(比某人/某事物)更好(或有效、聰明)

press ahead

ph. 堅決地繼續(進行某事物); 堅持(做某事)

The firm is pressing ahead with the modernization plan. 公司竭力實施現代化計劃。

push ahead

ph. 繼續前進; 繼續做某事

push ahead with one's plans 堅決按自己的計劃行事

look ahead

ph. 向前看; 為將來打算

Have you looked ahead to what you'll be doing in five years time? 你是否想過五年後你要做些什麼?

We must look ahead before we make a decision. 我們作出決定之前必須想得遠一點。




noun [ C ] UK  /aɪl/ US  /aɪl/

n. 通道,走道passageway, artery, channel, opening, lane, alley, corridor

a long, narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, cinema, or church


Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?



a long, narrow space between the rows of shelves in a large shop


You'll find the shampoo and the soap in the fourth aisle from the entrance.




