2023-03-07 23:44:41多面向呈現


Compatibility questions to get on the same page

The following questions can shed light on your boyfriend’s habits, goals, and values — so you can then see which areas you align on and which you may need to strike compromises in.

What type of traveler are you — do you like to have a plan, or be spontaneous?

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

How do you like to spend your downtime?

How do you handle stress?

How would you rate your work-life balance?

What’s your communication style?

How do you feel about texting?

What’s your love language?

What helps you relax?

Do you hope to have kids someday? If so, how many would you ideally like to have?

Would you ever consider adoption or surrogacy?

Do you plan to discipline your kids the same way your parents did with you? Why/why not?

Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between?

How would you describe your political beliefs?

What is your relationship with money like?

What are your financial goals?

How important is physical intimacy to you?

Do you tend to reach out for help when you’re having a hard time, or try to deal with things on your own?

How much alone time do you need?

How do you like to deal with conflict?

What was your longest relationship?

Are you a competitive person?

How much sleep do you like to get?

How many hours a week do you typically work?

How punctual are you?

Do you hold grudges or forgive easily?

What’s the most important quality a partner should have, in your opinion?

Are you a jealous person?

What makes you jealous?

How do you handle jealousy?

How often do you hang out with your friends?

Do you prefer monogamous relationships or non-monogamous ones?

What do you consider cheating?

Do you like having pets? What kind?

What kinds of movies or shows do you like to watch?

Do you read? If so, what kinds of books?

Would you say you’re neat, tidy, both, or neither?

Do you like paying for things, splitting the bill, or alternating who handles the check?

How important is financial success to you?

What does financial success look like for you?

Do you practice any specific religion, or do you consider yourself spiritual?

How important is religion or spirituality to you?

When was the last time you voted in an election?

What’s your ideal date night?

Are you a risk taker or do you prefer to play it safe?

Are you active on social media?

How much time do you like spending with family?

Is it important to you to live close to family?

Would you ever move if one of us got a great job opportunity elsewhere?

Does fitness play a big role in your life?

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Sex questions to spice things up

A lot of couples feel awkward talking about sex, says Becca Smith, a licensed professional counselor and Chief Clinical Officer of Basepoint Academy. However, asking about your partner’s likes, dislikes, preferences, and fantasies can improve your physical connection.

How did you first learn about sex?

What’s one sexual thing you’ve always wanted to try?

Do you have any kinks or fetishes?

How often would you ideally like to have sex on a weekly or monthly basis?

Do you ever like using props or toys?

Do you prefer having sex with the lights on or off?

What kinds of things put you in the mood for sex?

When you’re stressed, do you find you want sex more or less?

Have you ever had a threesome or would you be open to trying one?

Have you ever dabbled in BDSM? What role(s) did you take?

What’s something you tried during sex and didn’t like or wouldn’t do again?

Are you more of a morning, afternoon, or night sex person?

What’s one sexual experience we’ve had that sticks out in your mind?

What do you remember most about the first time we had sex?

Do you prefer being the initiator, or have your partner seduce you?

How do you feel about anal sex?

What’s one place you’ve always wanted to try having sex?

Where’s the most unusual location you’ve had sex?

How do you feel about dirty talk?

After sex is over, do you like cuddling?

How open are you to trying new things sexually?

Do you like watching porn?

How often do you watch porn?

What kind of porn do you enjoy?

Would you ever be open to watching porn with me?

Would you ever be interested in trying prostate stimulation?

How often do you masturbate?

Would you ever let me watch you masturbate, or like to watch me?

Would you tell me if you were unsatisfied with our sex life?

How can I spice things up more for you?

Where do you most like to be kissed?

What makes sex most fulfilling for you?

Do you like a lot of foreplay?

How do you feel if you don’t finish during sex? Is that important to you, or can you still enjoy the experience without an orgasm?

Is it difficult for you to orgasm?

What’s one thing you wish I did more of in the bedroom?

What’s something I already do in the bedroom that you love?

Do you like to fantasize during sex?

How can I make you more comfortable during sex?

Is there anything sexual you want to try with me but are afraid to ask about?

What’s one thing I do that turns you on?

Do you wish we were having more sex, less sex, or are you happy with the frequency?

What’s your favorite sexual position and why?

Do you like having music on during sex? What kind?

Have you ever used food during foreplay, or would you try it?

Do you like sending or receiving dirty texts?

When was the last time you got turned on in public?

Do you like sending or receiving nude pictures?

How do you feel about shower sex?

What’s your definition of amazing sex?

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Revealing questions to learn something new

Looking to understand what makes your partner tick? How you can be a better partner to them? Ask any of the questions below to get some valuable insight.

Who is your closest friend and why?

What brings you the most joy?

What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Who was your best friend growing up?

What was your favorite subject in school?

If you were to have won a superlative in your yearbook, what would it likely have been?

Did you move around a lot growing up?

Were you close with your siblings, if you had any?

Which parent are you closest with?

If you could have more time for one thing in your life, what would it be?

What’s a hobby or skill you’d really love to try or learn?

Have you ever lived with a partner before?

Have you ever cheated on someone?

Have you ever been cheated on?

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Do you think it’s possible for a relationship to survive cheating?

Have you ever gone to therapy?

Have you ever snooped on a partner before? If so, what happened?

What are three things you can’t live without?

What’s something new you learned about yourself this year?

What’s the accomplishment you’re most proud of?

What’s one trait you really like about yourself?

What’s one thing you’d like to change about yourself?

Have you ever had a falling out with a friend? What happened?

What’s the thing that makes you most emotional?

If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?

How do you feel about white lies?

What’s one thing your exes didn’t seem to “get” about you?

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?

Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship, and if not, would you try it?

How would you feel if your partner made a lot more or less money than you?

How would you describe your family dynamic growing up?

What’s your biggest weakness?

Do you believe in karma?

Do you believe in fate?

Do you believe in an afterlife?

What’s one thing you’re not willing to compromise on?

What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?

What’s a boundary you had to set with family or friends?

What are you most excited about when you think about our future together?

What’s your biggest fear, no matter how irrational?

What’s a big risk you’ve taken that paid off?

What was the most challenging time in your life, and how did you push through it?

When was the last time you cried, and what was it about?

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

What’s the best compliment you ever received?

Have you ever broken the law?

What’s a non-negotiable or must-have for you in relationships?

What’s a dealbreaker for you in relationships?

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

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Fun and silly questions to lighten the mood

Not all questions have to be serious. Laughing with your partner can be a great way to bond and—who knows?—these types of questions may reveal something surprising or even lead to a deeper discussion.

What’s a secret talent you have?

If money didn’t matter, what would you do for work?

Who was your first celebrity crush?

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

What’s your favorite emoji?

What actor would play you in a movie about your life?

If you were a pro baseball player, what would your walk-up song be?

What’s your favorite Halloween costume you ever had?

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

If the world ended tomorrow, what would you do on your last day?

What’s a prank you’d love to pull on someone?

Would you rather be able to speak any language, or have the ability to talk to animals?

What’s a movie or show you’re embarrassed to admit you love?

If you had a sandwich named after you, what would be on it?

If you had a cocktail named after you, what would be in it?

If you had to change your name, what name would you choose instead?

What’s the weirdest thing you ever ordered off Amazon?

If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?

What would you pick for your last meal on earth?

What famous person would you switch lives with?

If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you get?

What’s the cringiest pickup line you’ve ever used or heard?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in aliens?

What’s an unpopular opinion you have?

What’s the strangest dare you’ve ever done?

If you could live in any time period, what would you choose?

What game show do you think you could win?

What’s one song that can always pull you out of a bad mood?

What’s one trivia category you know you’d dominate?

What was your worst date ever?

Have you ever had a recurring dream, and if so, what was it about?

Big spoon or little spoon?

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?

Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?

Would you rather be the lead singer, or date the lead singer?

If you could invent a new holiday, what would it be?

What’s your signature dance move?

If you could have a lifetime supply of any food, what would it be?

Do you pee in the shower?

What’s the weirdest app on your phone right now?

If you had to lose one of your five senses, what would you pick and why?

Did you ever have a nickname you hated?

Would you rather be super attractive or super funny?

How much would someone have to pay you to run naked around the neighborhood?

If you could stay at one age for the rest of your life, what age would you choose?

If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

If you had to have a vanity license plate, what would it say?

If you were going to start a podcast, what would it be about?

If you could have any foreign accent, what would you pick and why?

Hi there, my name is John and I'm a travel enthusiast! Ever since I was a kid, I've always been fascinated by different cultures, landscapes, and ways of life. As I grew older, my passion for exploring the world only intensified, and now I make it a point to travel as often as I can.

One of the things I love most about traveling is the way it broadens my perspective and challenges my assumptions. Whether I'm hiking through a remote mountain range, trying new foods at a street market, or chatting with locals in a bustling city, I'm constantly learning and growing in ways I never could at home.

Of course, traveling isn't always easy - there are logistical challenges, language barriers, and cultural differences to navigate. But for me, that's part of the thrill! I love the feeling of being out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to adapt and learn.

Over the years, I've been lucky enough to visit a wide variety of places, from bustling cities like Tokyo and New York to remote islands in the Pacific and hiking trails in the Andes. Each trip has been a unique adventure, and I'm always eager to plan my next one.

If you're interested in travel too, I'd love to swap stories and tips - feel free to say hi!

Sure, here's a possible self-introduction for a male who is interested in travel and wants to find other people to language exchange:

Hi everyone, my name is Alex and I'm a passionate traveler who also loves learning languages! I'm always looking for ways to improve my language skills, and one of my favorite ways to do that is through language exchange.

If you're not familiar with language exchange, it's a process where two people who speak different languages agree to help each other practice. For example, I might help someone practice their English, while they help me practice Spanish or French.

I've found that language exchange is a great way to not only improve my language skills, but also make connections with people from all over the world. When you're traveling, being able to communicate with locals can really enhance your experience and help you connect with the culture on a deeper level.

So if you're interested in language exchange or just chatting about travel, feel free to reach out! I'm always looking for new friends to share stories and learn from. Who knows, maybe we'll even plan a trip together someday!

"Hey there, I'm a massage therapist who loves to explore new places and try new things. When I'm not practicing my craft, you can find me hiking in the mountains or checking out local cuisine in a new city. I believe in taking care of my mind and body, and I'm always up for a good massage to help me unwind. Looking for someone who shares my passion for travel, adventure, and wellness. Let's explore the world and make some unforgettable memories together!"

Hi there, I'm a male masseur who loves to travel and explore new places. I believe that there's nothing more relaxing than a good massage, and I'm passionate about helping people unwind and destress through my work. Whether you're looking for a deep tissue massage to alleviate muscle tension or a gentle, soothing touch to help you relax and unwind, I'm here to provide a personalized experience that meets your needs.

When I'm not working, you can usually find me exploring new cities and cultures. I love to travel and immerse myself in different ways of life, and I'm always on the lookout for my next adventure. Whether I'm hiking in the mountains or lounging on a tropical beach, I'm always up for trying something new and exciting.

If you're looking for a caring and experienced masseur who shares your love of travel and adventure, then I'd love to chat and see if we have a connection. Let's explore the world together and help each other relax and unwind along the way.
