2023-03-01 09:46:52多面向呈現

















The Chinese  zodiac also known as Sheng Xiao, is based on a twelve-year cycle, with each year in the cycle being represented by an animal. Each animal has its own unique characteristics and is believed to have a significant influence on the personality and destiny of people born in that year.

The twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. The cycle repeats every twelve years, so if you were born in the year of the rat, your next zodiac year will be twelve years later in the year of the ox.

The rat is the first animal in the cycle and is known for being clever, quick-witted, and resourceful. People born in the year of the rat are believed to be hardworking and adaptable.

The ox is the second animal in the cycle and is known for its strength, diligence, and determination. People born in the year of the ox are believed to be patient, reliable, and steadfast.

The tiger is the third animal in the cycle and is known for its courage, strength, and leadership. People born in the year of the tiger are believed to be competitive, confident, and ambitious.

The rabbit is the fourth animal in the cycle and is known for its kindness, sensitivity, and diplomacy. People born in the year of the rabbit are believed to be gentle, peaceful, and harmonious.

The dragon is the fifth animal in the cycle and is considered the most powerful and auspicious of all the animals. People born in the year of the dragon are believed to be confident, charismatic, and full of energy.

The snake is the sixth animal in the cycle and is known for its wisdom, intuition, and mysticism. People born in the year of the snake are believed to be intellectual, introspective, and insightful.

The horse is the seventh animal in the cycle and is known for its energy, passion, and independence. People born in the year of the horse are believed to be adventurous, dynamic, and free-spirited.

The goat is the eighth animal in the cycle and is known for its gentleness, creativity, and harmony. People born in the year of the goat are believed to be artistic, compassionate, and caring.

The monkey is the ninth animal in the cycle and is known for its intelligence, humor, and curiosity. People born in the year of the monkey are believed to be innovative, playful, and mischievous.

The rooster is the tenth animal in the cycle and is known for its confidence, honesty, and flamboyance. People born in the year of the rooster are believed to be proud, assertive, and hardworking.

The dog is the eleventh animal in the cycle and is known for its loyalty, obedience, and faithfulness. People born in the year of the dog are believed to be sincere, trustworthy, and dependable.

The pig is the twelfth and final animal in the cycle and is known for its generosity, kindness, and honesty. People born in the year of the pig are believed to be optimistic, diligent, and easygoing.

In Chinese culture, the zodiac animals are believed to be more than just symbolic representations. They are thought to have a profound impact on people's lives, influencing everything from personality traits to relationships and even career choices.

  • Appearance is the window to the soul." - Implies that appearance is overly important, and ignores the value and qualities of a person's inner self.
  • "We don't need changes on the outside, we need changes on the inside." - Indicates that changes to one's appearance won't really solve problems, and that true progress can only be achieved through changes in one's inner self.
  • "Fashion is consumption, style is eternal." - Suggests that the pursuit of fashion is simply a form of consumption, while true style is unique and won't change with fashion trends.
  • "If we cared about our inner selves as much as we care about our appearance, the world would be a better place." - Indicates that if people could value inner qualities rather than just appearance, society would be more beautiful and harmonious.
  • "Don't treat yourself as an exhibit. Inner beauty is the true asset." - Expresses that a person's value and inner beauty are more important, and that one should not consider themselves as an item or exhibit to show off their appearance.

  • 外表是靈魂的窗口" - 暗示外表過於重要,而忽略了人內在的價值和素質。
  • "我們不需要外表上的改變,我們需要的是內在的變革" - 表示外表的改變不會真正解決問題,只有改變自己的內在才能獲得真正的進步。
  • "時尚是消耗,風格是永恆" - 表示追求時尚的過程只是一種消費行為,而真正的風格是獨特的,不會因為時尚潮流而改變。
  • "如果我們像關心外表一樣關心內在,世界會更美好" - 表示如果大家都能重視內在素質,而不是只看重外表,那麼社會將會更加美好和和諧。
  • "不要把自己當成是展品,內心的美才是真正的資產" - 表示人的價值和內在美更重要,不應該將自己看作是物品或展品來展示自己的外表。

  1. 設定目標:確定您要完成的目標,例如每天運動30分鐘,閱讀一本書等。

  2. 創造動機:確定完成目標的動機。這可以是對自己的獎勵,例如看一部電影,或向其他人展示自己的成果。

  3. 創造計劃:設定一個可以實現的計劃來達成目標。這可以是在某個時間或日期開始工作,或使用提醒工具提醒自己開始工作。

  4. 維持紀律:保持對目標的承諾,不要讓懶惰佔據你的思維空間。

  5. 尋求支持:告訴家人或朋友您的目標,並尋求他們的支持和鼓勵。

  6. 享受成就:完成目標時,給自己一些獎勵並享受成就的感覺。


Laziness is a common human behavior, but it can be overcome through the following methods:

  1. Set goals: Determine the goals you want to achieve, such as exercising for 30 minutes a day, reading a book, etc.

  2. Create motivation: Determine the motivation for achieving the goal. This can be a reward for yourself, such as watching a movie, or showing off your achievements to others.

  3. Create a plan: Set up a feasible plan to achieve the goal. This can be to start working at a certain time or date, or to use reminder tools to remind yourself to start working.

  4. Maintain discipline: Keep your commitment to the goal and don't let laziness take over your mind.

  5. Seek support: Tell your family or friends about your goals and seek their support and encouragement.

  6. Enjoy achievements: When you achieve your goals, give yourself some rewards and enjoy the feeling of achievement.

In summary, setting goals, creating motivation and plans, maintaining discipline, seeking support, and enjoying achievements can help you overcome laziness.

There are different ways to enjoy life, and here are some general suggestions:

  1. Find pleasure: Find things that make you happy and bring you joy, such as reading, traveling, exercising, socializing, etc.

  2. Appreciate life: Be grateful for everything in your life, including family, friends, health, work, etc.

  3. Set goals: Set some achievable goals, such as learning a new skill, completing a project, traveling, etc.

  4. Embrace change: Accept the changes in life and learn to grow and develop from them.

  5. Maintain balance: Balance the needs of work and life, including time, energy, and emotions.

  6. Connect with others: Build positive relationships with family, friends, and community.

  7. Develop interests: Pursue your interests and hobbies, such as cooking, music, photography, art, etc.

  8. Learn to relax: Learn how to relax your body and mind, such as through meditation, yoga, massage, etc.

In short, enjoying life requires continuous learning and growth, finding your interests and goals, connecting with others, and learning to grow and develop from change.


  1. 尋找樂趣:找到讓自己開心和快樂的事情,例如閱讀、旅行、運動、社交等。

  2. 感恩生命:感激生命中的一切,包括家人、朋友、健康、工作等。

  3. 設定目標:設定一些實現可能的目標,例如學習一項新技能、完成一個項目、旅遊等。

  4. 擁抱變化:接受人生中的變化,並學會從中成長和發展。

  5. 維持平衡:平衡工作和生活的需要,包括時間、精力和情感。

  6. 與他人連結:與家人、朋友、社群建立積極的關係。

  7. 發展興趣:發展自己的興趣和愛好,例如烹飪、音樂、攝影、藝術等。

  8. 學習放鬆:學習如何放鬆身心,例如冥想、瑜珈、按摩等。


How to live in the moment? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Stop and pause: Find a little time every day to stop and not do anything, just let your mind wander.

  2. Pay attention to the present: Focus on the present experience when you're doing something, instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

  3. Be grateful for the present: Appreciate everything that is present, including what you have and what you're experiencing.

  4. Reduce distractions: Reduce any factors that distract you from your present experience, such as your phone, social media, or TV.

  5. Cultivate mindfulness: Learn mindfulness practices to help you focus your attention, such as meditation or breathing exercises.

  6. Live the experience: Immerse yourself in what you're doing, enjoy the present moment, such as listening to music or tasting food.

  7. Give yourself some space: Give yourself some time and space for self-reflection and growth.

In summary, living in the moment requires you to be constantly vigilant, learn to focus on the present experience, appreciate and enjoy the present, appropriately reduce distractions, learn mindfulness practices, and give yourself time and space to grow and develop.

  1. 停下來:每天找出一點時間停下來,不要做任何事情,只是讓自己的思緒放空。

  2. 注意當下:當你正在做某事時,專注於當下的經驗,而不是過去或未來。

  3. 感恩當下:感謝當下的一切,包括你所擁有的一切和你正在經歷的一切。

  4. 減少干擾:減少所有干擾你當下體驗的因素,如手機、社交媒體、電視等。

  5. 培養正念:學習正念練習,透過冥想、呼吸練習等方式幫助你集中注意力。

  6. 活在當下的經驗:將自己的感官投入到你所做的事情中,享受當下的感覺,如聽音樂、品嚐食物等。

  7. 給自己一些空間:給自己一些時間和空間來進行自我反省和成長。

  1. Unless: Unless is used to express a negative condition that must be met before a positive result can be achieved. For example:
  • Unless you study hard, you will not pass the exam.
  1. Should: Should is often used to express advice or recommendations. It can also be used to express a hypothetical situation or something that is expected to happen. For example:
  • You should drink plenty of water every day to stay healthy.
  • If you should need any help, please do not hesitate to ask.
  1. As long as: As long as is used to express a condition that must be met in order for something to happen or continue. It can also be used to express a duration of time. For example:
  • You can borrow my car as long as you promise to return it by tomorrow.
  • As long as you keep practicing, you will eventually get better.

