2023-02-28 13:42:00多面向呈現


  1. As a verb meaning to hit or physically attack someone or something: "He struck the punching bag with all his might."

  2. As a verb meaning to make contact with something, often with force: "The lightning struck the tree and set it on fire."

  3. As a verb meaning to take action or make a decision suddenly: "He struck a deal with the supplier at the last minute."

  4. As a verb meaning to stop working in order to demand better conditions or pay: "The workers decided to strike to protest the company's policies."

  5. As a noun referring to a work stoppage organized by employees to protest unfair labor practices or to demand better working conditions: "The teachers went on strike to demand higher salaries."

  6. As a noun referring to a sudden, unexpected occurrence, often negative: "The news of the accident came as a terrible strike to the family."

These are just a few examples of how the word "strike" can be used. Its usage can vary depending on the context and the intended meaning.

  1. 重複:繼續反覆地練習單詞,重複朗讀、書寫和應用。反覆練習可以幫助加強單詞的記憶和熟悉度。

  2. 聯想:試著和一些事物或情境聯想該單詞,將它和自己熟悉的東西、類比物或經驗連結起來,有助於記憶和理解。

  3. 上下文:把單詞放入上下文中學習,看看它在句子中的使用方式和意義。透過上下文學習可以幫助更好地理解和使用單詞。

  4. 應用:在日常生活和學習中,將單詞應用到實際場景中,例如和同學或老師用該單詞造句或對話,或者寫一些練習題目等。

  5. 認識單詞詞源和詞根:了解單詞的詞源和詞根可以幫助你更好地理解和記憶單詞,尤其對於一些較學術的單詞更有幫助。


Becoming a popular person is not necessarily something that can be achieved through a specific set of actions or behaviors. However, there are some general tips that can help you to become more well-liked and well-respected by others:

  1. Be authentic: People are drawn to those who are genuine and authentic. Be true to yourself and don't try to be someone you're not in order to fit in or impress others.

  2. Be kind and respectful: Treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of their social status, appearance, or background. Show genuine interest in others and be a good listener.

  3. Have a positive attitude: Maintain a positive outlook and try to focus on the good in people and situations. Be optimistic and enthusiastic about life.

  4. Develop your social skills: Work on your communication and social skills, such as active listening, empathy, and assertiveness. These skills will help you to build strong relationships with others.

  5. Pursue your interests: Pursue your passions and interests, and share them with others. This will help you to connect with like-minded people and show others that you are a well-rounded person.

  6. Be reliable: Follow through on your commitments and be dependable. People are more likely to trust and respect those who are reliable and consistent.

  7. Be confident: Be confident in yourself and your abilities, but avoid arrogance or conceit. Confidence can be attractive, but it's important to maintain humility and respect for others.

Remember, popularity is not the most important thing in life. Focus on being true to yourself and treating others with kindness and respect, and you'll naturally attract people who appreciate and value you for who you are.

Hey there, my name is Michael. I'm originally from Chicago but now I live in San Francisco. I work as a marketing manager for a tech startup and I love the fast-paced environment of the industry. In my free time, I'm really into fitness and enjoy working out at the gym or going for a run. I'm also a huge sports fan, especially when it comes to basketball and football. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and learning more about your interests too.

Hi, my name is Emily. I'm originally from New York but now I live in Los Angeles. I work as a software engineer for a tech company and I really enjoy what I do. In my free time, I like to travel and explore new places, as well as try out new recipes in the kitchen. I'm also an avid reader and love to dive into a good book whenever I get the chance. It's great to meet you, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

  1. Playlist - 播放清單
  2. Track - 歌曲
  3. Album - 專輯
  4. Artist - 藝術家
  5. Genre - 流派
  6. Shuffle - 隨機播放
  7. Repeat - 重複播放
  8. Queue - 佇列
  9. Skip - 跳過
  10. Library - 個人音樂庫

Striking up a conversation with someone online can be a great way to make new friends or connect with like-minded people. Here are some tips on how to start a conversation with someone online:

  1. Introduce yourself: Begin the conversation by introducing yourself and sharing a little bit about yourself. This will help to break the ice and create a friendly atmosphere.

  2. Ask questions: Ask the person questions about their interests, hobbies, or opinions. This will show that you are interested in getting to know them and can lead to a more engaging conversation.

  3. Find common ground: Look for common interests or experiences that you share with the person. This will help to create a connection and make the conversation more enjoyable for both of you.

  4. Be respectful and polite: Remember to be respectful and polite in your conversations. Avoid making offensive or insensitive remarks and treat the person with kindness and consideration.

  5. Listen actively: Listen actively to the person's responses and engage with them in a meaningful way. This will show that you are interested in what they have to say and can lead to a more fulfilling conversation.

  6. Keep the conversation going: Once you have started the conversation, try to keep it going by asking follow-up questions or sharing your own experiences and opinions. This will help to create a lively and engaging dialogue.


  1. Noun: "The crew of the ship worked tirelessly to keep it afloat during the storm."

  2. Verb: "They crewed the yacht for the wealthy businessman during his vacation."

  3. Adjective: "The crew quarters were located in the lower deck of the ship."

  4. Collective noun: "The crew are responsible for ensuring the safety of all passengers on board."

  5. Colloquial use: "Hey, let's get the crew together for a night out!" (referring to a group of friends or colleagues)

Overall, "crew" is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of contexts to refer to a group of people working together or socializing in a collective sense.


  1. Adjective: "It's ironic that the firefighter's house burned down."

  2. Adverb: "Ironically, the thief returned the stolen money the next day."

  3. Noun: "The irony of the situation was not lost on him."

  4. Verb: "She couldn't help but feel that fate was ironizing her."

  5. Colloquial use: "It's ironic that the person who always preached about the importance of punctuality is always late."

Overall, "ironic" is a word used to describe a situation that is unexpected or has a twist of fate that seems to contradict the original situation.


  1. Easy German: 這個頻道提供各種德文課程,從初學者到進階學習者都有適合的內容,而且內容都有英文字幕,可以讓您更容易理解。

  2. Learn German with Anja: Anja 是一位德語老師,她的頻道提供免費的德語課程和德語文化相關內容。她的課程深入淺出,非常適合初學者。

  3. Deutsch lernen mit der DW - Deutsche Welle: 這是德國之聲的德文學習頻道,提供各種德文學習資源,包括課程、短片、新聞、專題等等。他們的內容也有多種語言的字幕,非常適合國際學生。

  4. Learn German with Jenny: 這是一位網路上的德文老師,她的頻道提供許多免費的德文課程和教學影片。她的課程內容從基礎的文法到進階的對話,都有詳細的解說。

  5. Deutsch für Euch: 這是一個由 Katja 主持的德文學習頻道,內容包括課程、文法、詞彙、發音、口說練習等等。她的教學非常生動活潑,非常適合初學者。


  1. Playlist - 播放清單
  2. Track - 歌曲
  3. Album - 專輯
  4. Artist - 藝術家
  5. Genre - 流派
  6. Shuffle - 隨機播放
  7. Repeat - 重複播放
  8. Queue - 佇列
  9. Skip - 跳過
  10. Library - 個人音樂庫

