2011-01-20 11:29:22Examsoon認證考試題庫





Section 1: Application Design Concepts and Principles





Explain the main advantages of an object-oriented approach to system design including the effect of encapsulation, inheritance, and use of interfaces on architectural characteristics.

Describe how the principle of "separation of concerns" has been applied to the main system tiers of a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition application. Tiers include client (both GUI and web), web (web container), business (EJB container), integration, and resource tiers.

Describe how the principle of "separation of concerns" has been applied to the layers of a Java EE application. Layers include application, virtual platform (component APIs), application infrastructure (containers), enterprise services (operating system and virtualization), compute and storage, and the networking infrastructure layers.



Section 2: Common Architectures





Explain the advantages and disadvantages of two-tier architectures when examined under the following topics: scalability, maintainability, reliability, availability, extensibility, performance, manageability, and security.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of three-tier architectures when examined under the following topics: scalability, maintainability, reliability, availability, extensibility, performance, manageability, and security

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of multi-tier architectures when examined under the following topics: scalability, maintainability, reliability, availability, extensibility, performance, manageability, and security.

Explain the benefits and drawbacks of rich clients and browser-based clients as deployed in a typical Java EE application.

Explain appropriate and inappropriate uses for web services in the Java EE platform



Section 3: Integration and Messaging





Explain possible approaches for communicating with an external system from a Java EE technology-based system given an outline description of those systems and outline the benefits and drawbacks of each approach.

Explain typical uses of web services and XML over HTTP as mechanisms to integrate distinct software components.

Explain how JCA and JMS are used to integrate distinct software components as part of an overall Java EE application.



Section 4: Business Tier Technologies





Explain and contrast uses for entity beans, entity classes, stateful and stateless session beans, and message-driven beans, and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Explain and contrast the following persistence strategies: container-managed persistence (CMP) BMP, JDO, JPA, ORM and using DAOs (Data Access Objects) and direct JDBC technology-based persistence under the following headings: ease of development, performance, scalability, extensibility, and security.

Explain how Java EE supports the deployment of server-side components implemented as web services and the advantages and disadvantages of adopting such an approach.

Explain the benefits of the EJB 3 development model over previous EJB generations for ease of development including how the EJB container simplifies EJB development.



Section 5: Web Tier Technologies





State the benefits and drawbacks of adopting a web framework in designing a Java EE application

Explain standard uses for JSP pages and servlets in a typical Java EE application.

Explain standard uses for JavaServer Faces components in a typical Java EE application.

Given a system requirements definition, explain and justify your rationale for choosing a web-centric or EJB-centric implementation to solve the requirements. Web-centric means that you are providing a solution that does not use EJB components. EJB-centric solution will require an application server that supports EJB components.



Section 6: Applicability of Java EE Technology





Given a specified business problem, design a modular solution that solves the problem using Java EE.

Explain how the Java EE platform enables service oriented architecture (SOA) -based applications.

Explain how you would design a Java EE application to repeatedly measure critical non-functional requirements and outline a standard process with specific strategies to refactor that application to improve on the results of the measurements.



Section 7: Patterns





From a list, select the most appropriate pattern for a given scenario. Patterns are limited to those documented in the book - Alur, Crupi and Malks (2003). Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies 2nd Edition and named using the names given in that book.

From a list, select the most appropriate pattern for a given scenario. Patterns are limited to those documented in the book - Gamma, Erich; Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (1995). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software and are named using the names given in that book.

From a list, select the benefits and drawbacks of a pattern drawn from the book - Gamma, Erich; Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides (1995). Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

From a list, select the benefits and drawbacks of a specified Core J2EE pattern drawn from the book – Alur, Crupi and Malks (2003). Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies 2nd Edition.



Section 8: Security





Explain the client-side security model for the Java SE environment, including the Web Start and applet deployment modes.

Given an architectural system specification, select appropriate locations for implementation of specified security features, and select suitable technologies for implementation of those features

Identify and classify potential threats to a system and describe how a given architecture will address the threats.

Describe the commonly used declarative and programmatic methods used to secure applications built on the Java EE platform, for example use of deployment descriptors and JAAS.


1.A developer creates a Java web service to be used by consumers in an SOA. This SOA uses

a UDDI service registry. How can the developer make the new service available to


A. deploy to the registry using JAXR

B. publish to the registry using JAXR

C. query the registry using JAX-RPC

D. target the registry using JAX-RPC

Answer: B

2.With the release of a new product line, there has been a significant increase in the volume

of transactions on your web site. You need to scale your application and manage session

failover. What is the best option for scalability?

A. add additional web servers and application servers

B. introduce a High Availability pair and utilize sticky sessions

C. add additional application servers and implement DNS round robin

D. add additional application servers and use clustered HttpSession

Answer: D

3.You are writing a utility that searches for existing web services provided by large companies through UDDI. Your web site allows the user to input search criteria using event-driven, state-managed GUI screens, performs the search, and displays them in a formatted HTML page. Which technologies would you use for this application?





Answer: B

4. A Java web component, EJB component, or another web service can be a client to a web service. Which Java API can the client use to access the web service through a Service Endpoint Interface?





Answer: D

Java企業版5認證的企業架構師考試(步驟3之1)是爲企業架構師設計的架構和Java平台,企業版技術兼容的應用程序的可擴展性,靈活且高度安全的責任。這次考試是專爲候選人的(壹般爲5年或以上的經驗,以下幾個方面:應用程序設計:概念和原則,共同架構,集成和信息傳遞,業務層的技術,Web層技術,Java EE技術,模式與安全。

310-052 考試是SUN認證的 Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE 5 認證考試官方代號,Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE 5 認證作為全球IT領域專家 SUN 熱門認證之壹,是許多大中IT企業選擇人才標準的必備條件。

SUN Other Certifications認證是業界最廣泛認可的IT技術認證之壹,也是業界最權威、最受尊敬的認證之壹。獲得310-052認證不僅僅能證明您的IT技術能力,更是您進入職場的敲門磚,也是提高您身價的另壹捷徑。


Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE 5

科目編號 : 310-052

科目名稱 : Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE 5




