2005-06-20 21:13:32靜燄

One Reason/Times of Plague

伊拉克戰爭. 唉.

One Reason 3/20/03

I cannot find one.

It was a dark cold day
And the moon’s silver strands have died, bleeding crimson
The rain fell with such rage and
The clamor devoured the sounds of
Death in a far-away, ancient city,
Drenched of life and dignity.
Birds riding their rigid wings flee
Knowing no better, that their kin
Soaring with might, raping the sky
Shall surpass them, with residues of
A soon-dead chemical, passion.
Forced or voluntary, willing or not
They march on steady footsteps, trampling unawares
Over broken souls, tattered and torn, not
Hearing the screams of a little child, hiding
In a dark foul alley, crying over her parent’s dead bodies, bathed in blood
No longer distinguishable.

“I don’t want you.
I don’t want him.
I want to breathe freely
I want to sing aloud
I want to run until my legs wear thin
I don’t want to die.”
I just want to live. I want to live
And not be oppressed.
The destruction of the final sanctuary
This is the end, the death of nobility.

Give me a reason to smile. I cannot find one.

Times of Plague 5/XX/03...SARS...

Where’s the Love when cholera rages?
Where’s the Trust when hypocrisy reigns?
Where does Peace lie when belligerence gains?
Where does Sympathy lie when recklessness tames?
Where can hope dwell when negativity educates, entertains?

Questions lacking answers, riddles without rhetoric
Shroud the day.
Faces smothered by fear, the color of the primitive
Kill the shame.
Creatures feeding upon folding layers of lust, uncontrollably
Cross the line.
Photosensitive filters record image upon another, rampantly
Portray these crimes.
An innocent smile was given, unappreciated, torn,
And exiled to fade
In the flow of time.

No greater opportunity shall slip from our grasp
To let live, and let shine, and abolish the deadened times
No livelier moment shall pass unnoticed, forgotten
Sacrificed, crucified for heinous ugliness, terrible hindsight
No sadder melodrama than the one that takes on reality
The standing applause resonates, lingers for an eternity.
One by one we are blinded
One by one we subside
One by one we drizzle
One by one we decline into demise.

When envy enfolds sights of the idle, praise is gone
When greed consumes minds of the swift, generosity wanes
When ignorance intoxicates souls of the blank, violence celebrates
When desperation grapples hearts of the hopeful, lunacy commences
As hatred flourishes, its joyful entry caroused,

An innocent smile was given, unappreciated, torn,
And exiled to fade
In the flow of time.