2005-06-20 21:05:05靜燄

Crimson Tears (血淚)

Crimson Tears

Sickening imagery swallows my sight.
Between the pulse of the button and the glimpse of my eye.
I do not see repentance nor sorrow, only bestial pride.
Those with tainted blood, fragile limbs and aging minds
You raped once again, their already dusking lives-
With steady marches and deathly echoes of polished shoes,
steadfast fists and murky eyes of greed.
Lush lips of leprous lust moistened by blood-drinking tongues slowly paint the flag-
Of a great big white world, left only with a bleeding sun.
Left only with a bleeding sun, drowning her people with magma rain, boiling with unadulterated hate.
Time flows as rubble grows into cities of monstrous inhuman appetites.
Within its veins, distress of ignorance
Flows through young questioning minds and their strife.
Where is the answer and why should it be?
What is the riddle and whence did it leave?
When will we face the sin and where will it lead?
Corrupted gas we breathe, and processed feces we eat
Are all the same-under killing moons, stars and skies.
Once close together, until advancement
undone our ties, our culture and blinded your eyes.
When will we unite, when can we forgive and why did you lie?
When will you amend, for the crimson tears we cried?
