2004-09-04 21:55:58靜燄

Period of Oblivion

Period of Oblivion

Caught in distress of duties and endless chores, I feel you withering within me.
But you are such a vital, essential fragment of my soul
I cannot bear, nor allow your complete departure.
Selfishly and wrought with battles of vanity,
I reminisce every moment we shared-
Under sparks of inspiration, crisper and clearer than Orion glowing in its full light.
I reminisce every hour we killed-
With digital input keys and scribbled symbols originating from nothing, punctuated by the glow of the screen until early morning.
I reminisce all the tears we wept-
From emotional outbursts of hating love/loving hate so powerful, so pure,
Purer than the ecstasy of slaughter/hypocrisy done by the flag and the eagle.
I reminisce the time we gave birth to countless children-
Each sharing parts of our soul, whether large or small.
They would weep from negligence, dearest denizens of Soilplane, but this leave is not an eternal one, fear not. The instance of your wake will prove to them-
Their God is one who shapes their joys and woes with tenderness.
Yet now, he must dwell into undeserved sleep.

Goodnight, dearest SilentFlame.
I wish you nine cruel months of slumber, nine elegant months of sweet coma.
Hence I will greatly anticipate the day of your wake.
Goodnight, but not Farewell.

暫時向身為詩人/作家的自己道別. 大二將會非常忙碌, 恐怕不可能有時間創作了.
將先封筆約9個月, 等大二結束再繼續.