2009-09-04 22:04:43^o^ EveLyN^0^

DANGER ON FACEBOOK AND HI5...(English Version)

The truth of Facebook: Chilling


This week on TV was reporting every day with Joaquin Lopez Doriga (Mexican journalist) on Facebook, Hi5, MySpace, Facebook, etc and how dangerous they are. It comes a report in the daily Milenio newspaper, about how the kidnappers have a source of reliable information and to blogs, Facebook and Hi5.

Interviewed say kidnappers and entering the network and see the faces, the house, cars, travel photos and know the social and economic level is for people who are there. Already one of them on television had said that before long struggled to identify candidates for kidnapping, but now with Facebook and the information that we voluntarily on the net, and not confused or have to investigate where they live or where school study and where they travel and who are his parents, siblings and friends. That happened with Alejandro Marti, (Young Mexican killed by their kidnappers) who all became. The family has just closed his blog after realizing the amount of potentially dangerous information that the boy had put there with joy and not suspecting that he was arming's killers. Protect your children and you Protect yourself, and do not put dangerous information into the network.


Facebook is selling the information of its users to the highest bidder. I quote: 'What many users do not know is that according to contract terms that virtually assume when you click in the' accept ', the Facebook users give you the exclusive and perpetual property of all information and images published. "

In fact, highlight the expert members not automatically authorize use Facebook perpetual and transferable, with the rights of distribution or public display of all that hung on their website. " Terms of Use Facebook reserves for the right to grant and sublicense all "user content" to other businesses.

Without their consent, many users they turned their publicity photographs, turning private commerce into public endorsements.

Suddenly everything published its affiliates, including their personal photos, his political inclination, the state of their relationships, individual interests and to the location of the house, was posted without your express consent to thousands of users.

Believe him when Mr. Melber said that many employers to assess gringos review resumes Facebook to intimate knowledge of the applicants .. The test that a page on Facebook is not private at all was evident in a famous case where John Brown University has expelled a student when he discovered a photograph that hung on Facebook dress transvestite Other evidence came when a Secret Service agent visited the the University of Oklahoma sophomore Saul Martinez published a commentary against President .. And to make matters worse, the matter does not end if the user decides to withdraw even when users cancel the membership, their photos and information remain on board, according to Facebook, in case you decide to reactivate your account is more, the user is not removed even when dies. According to the 'terms of use, "the mourners that Facebook can not force pick data and images of their relatives, since when the deceased took the virtual contract gave Facebook the right to' keep it active under a special status commemoration for a period of time determined by us to allow other users to post and see comments about the deceased. "

Facebook users know that they are helpless participants in a scenario scholars describe as the largest espionage case in the history of mankind. By the way unconsciously become the precursors of the phenomenon of 'Big Brother' is watching. Direct reference to the abuse of state interference in private affairs of ordinary people to control their social behavior, the subject of a deeply prescient novel written in 1932 by the British Aldous Huxley 'Brave New World. "
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