2008-01-05 00:17:23HC

Toronto Trip Day 14

Jan 1

Woke up to pack again

I’m bring all 23 bottles of wine back

very very heavy I tell you

got every thing down to the parking lot around noon

the land lord will take us to the airport with 35 bucks of charge

it’s cheap actually!!

got to the airport

I checked in first and got 2 fragile stiker

so I have to load my lougage at a different place

when I got there, I couldn’t find my bording pass which I just got it a minute ago

so Don ran back to the counter where I checked in and found my bording pass

I left it on the desk


I hate the airport = =

after that Don checked in

but she didn’t go in because we still have a lot of time left

her flight is at 6pm

and mine is at 5:30

oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I paid 42 bucks for stand by

only westjet need to pay that much for stand by and other changes

for other air lines, it’s free!!!

but it’s worth it

my original flight is at 9:30 pm

but it’s been delayed due to the weather

today Toronto’s weather is really bad

the visual range outdoor is very limited

I came to Toronto on the weather like this and I left on the weather like this too

fate eh!!

so my plane got delayed to 11:30pm

that means I’ll arrive at Winnipeg around 1:30am

not gonna happen!!!

I would so rather pay that 42 bucks!!

we sat on down for food

ckicken burger and fries

tasted soo much better than Mcdonald but alot more expensive too

11 bucks for the combo

at least it tasted good and it’s a lot healthier!!

then we found seats near Don’s gate

sat there for a long time

Don even fell asleep while I was playing games on my cell phone

when it’s time for Don to go she cried like a baby


I hate the airport!!

we’ve been to this kind of situation many many many times

every time she cries

I know it’s sad

but come on!!!!

you cry make me wanna cry

but I don’t wanna cry!!!

I want to give you my smile!!!

Dam you airport!!

finally Don went in and it’s my time to go to my gate

I drag my stuff to C26

half way to there I heard an anouncement about my flight but I didn’t hear it clearly

when I finally got there

with sweat and tiredness

I asked the person wroking there what was the anouncement

and she told me that they’ve changed the gate for my departure


they’ve changed to B20

which is the opposite site from C26

far far far opposite from C26!!!!

so I dragged my stuff and my butt over there

when I finally got there

I was sooo tired that I just simply sat on the floor

even tho it says on the bording pass that I should be there at 5:30

on the screen it says that the flight got delayed too

so we don’t have to be there untill 7pm

but they were actually on time

weird eh

so we did get on plane around 5:30pm

which is very very good!!!

the old lay sat beside me kept coughing

everytime she did that I thought that she might choke on her spit

I also saw this woman

she’s soooooo fat

she needs 2 belts!!!!

I’ve never seen that before


that’s unhealthy!!!

the chances of you dying on the plane is far lower than the chances of you dying becauase of your fatness!!!


when the plane started to descend

I suddenly felt this huge pain on my forhead

I have never encountered this before

it was so unbearable that I was thinking about calling the air attendents

but then I opened my mouth widely to balance the pressure

and the pain went away

but I can still feel a bit of pain

so before the plane landed

I kept my mouth wide open and breath heavily

I know it might look stupid but it was really scary!!!

I thought my brain might explode or something

when we landed

I felt liquid comming out of my nose

I used my fingers to check if it’s blood and thank God it’s not!!!

after I got out of the plane I phoned the person to pick me up

I waited for my luggage to show up and then I saw this special place for picking up heavy luggages

and this guy pull my luggage out and pushed them toward the opening

this is the first time I got my luggage so quickely

so happy man

next time I fly I’ll tell them to put fragile on all my luggages!! LOL!

The pick up guy arrived

his car was quite nice and new

he helped me to carry one of my luaggage back to the dorm

so I gave him 22 dollars

feel good to come back

a relief!

I saw Troy and Yui in the lounge eating dinner so I gave them 2 white wines

and I also gave Troy Don’s cell phone as a christmas present from Don

He was so happy that he wanted to give a treat at this viatnam beef noodle place tomorrow at lunch

I’ll gladly take any good food

thanks for the treat man!!!

Conclusion for the Toronto Trip:

Thanks Don!! I love you~!!!

let’s go to Les Vegas next Christmas~!!

and do a PROPER count down~!!


pic 1 很特別的時鐘在機場裡
me and Don at the airport
taking pics before Don started to cry like a baby!!!
Don: 為什麼你每次都說我cry like a baby
Eva: 因為你有baby face
Don: 喔~~~!
Eva: (心裡想)白癡 = =
我不是酒鬼!! >口<
snow 2008-01-07 21:26:49

你們是Long distance 嚕! 我的女友現在在台灣 ! 我也是暫時跟她分開!

HC 2008-01-06 12:40:13

我住在winnipeg, Don Don 住在芝加哥
我們christmas 去Toronto 玩阿

snow 2008-01-05 21:35:26

版主, 你們住加拿大哪裡啊!! 是去多倫多玩嗎? 那邊我去過兩次,我都不敢選冬天去... 因為我怕冷! 我現在住溫哥華! 也剛剛才來沒幾天! 希望妳們玩得愉快!