
【明報專訊】美國前國務卿希拉里(Hillary Clinton)推出新書《艱難的抉擇》,外間認為她是為競逐下屆美國總統熱身。大家已認定她是民主黨的default candidate(預定的候選人)。

五月中《經濟學人》的文章已指出:"Mrs Clinton's shadow (非正式的) presidential campaign (總統競選工程) is already creaking into motion." 該篇文章運用了不少象聲詞(onomatopoeia),creak即「吱吱作響」,模仿汽車或機器開動的聲音,creaking into motion即緩緩開始行動。

"Big-name (大牌) Democrats and former Obama campaign gurus (大師) are rallying (聚集) to Ready for Hillary, a ginger group (政黨內積極推動某一事項的小組) set up by Clinton-fans."

有些民主黨人支持希拉里,則因為後悔當年選了奧巴馬:"The Democrats' support for Hillary is tinged, for some, with buyers' remorse." Be tinged with 即「帶有(某種感情色彩)」;buyer's remorse 指選購了一件東西後產生的悔意。

希拉里是大熱門(front-runner),連奧巴馬亦以這話題來開玩笑:"At a dinner gathering, the president cracked gags (說笑話) about Mrs Clinton as his successor... and his audience of insiders chortled (咯咯笑) knowingly (會意地)." Crack和chortle都是象聲詞,crack原本形容物件裂開的聲音。

共和黨人已準備攻擊希拉里:"Republicans are digging for fresh dirt (找新的痛腳), preparing a select committee to probe (調查) the 2012 killing by terrorists of America's ambassador (大使) to Libya and three colleagues in Benghazi." 文章指共和黨人想用2012年美國駐利比亞領事館遇襲一事大做文章,彷彿奧巴馬和希拉里犯了叛國罪(treason),但至今仍缺乏憑據。

希拉里尚未表態參選。雖然她形勢不俗,但作者認為她應該早日展開競選,爭取apathetic voters(政治冷感選民)的支持。畢竟在美國無人可自動贏得總統寶座:"Nobody wins the presidency by default."
