2008-04-29 23:24:14evachao

april 29, 2008

oh my god, it is such a long time that i haven’t gone to that pchome, our love stuff story block. All in all, we have really got so many things happened these two months with my arrival to taiwan,
Maybe I am so enjoyable in taiwan, so how have forgotten you are on your battle, so we argue frequently. However, this comes to an end, we do know that we love each other. OK, i agree that we are born to love each other, even though sometimes you are angry with me and at the same time, i am angry with you too, of course this situation won’t happen previously when we are in college, you never angre at me. Yet it is benefical to both of us, we know each other more, we do deep down inside what is the discipline that we demand others, well, maybe we cannot work well recently, we can do or amend in OUR future. Must have use the capital blocks for OUR so that you know it is so important to think of.

OKOK, i am not going to write something bad in this block as ususal, and because you are on the flight from NY to LA, that’s why i have time to clear up my mind a little bit and say out my mental thought. HAHA, we keep talking all the night and i feel a bit lonely when i know i cannot talk with you tonight. OKOK, i know i know we have talked at around 6:30 pm to 7 before you take on the flight, but you know i am used to talk with you before i sleep ma.

I really hope you can figure out your mind and win the battle, don’t let those love you down. You can surely get a job only time will prove it. I, in taiwan, of course have to settle down my mind as well to get a wonderful fight with toefl. Block it down and i will succeed, then enjoying my rest of life from then on.

Keep smiling when you are down, and keep up the good mood even though it maynot seem quite right for the time being.

WE WILL SURELY GET MARRIED VERY SOON. (of course it needs to be capitalize, because what i capitalize is something that’s very important) HAHA, so get what i am thinking right, will u think i am so troublesome of thinking this stuff all the time, just don’t need to reply me even though you have read it, ok? it is only the nonsense page that expresses some of my boring mind again. HEHE.. ^V^

hope from this year later on, we can have each other on the smae place and picture more photos together. Ah........ ^C^
evachao 2008-06-17 23:54:25

This is really romantic, and SWEET(of course it needs to be capitalize, because what i capitalize is something that’s very important)