2006-07-04 10:49:254仔

又是......徵求dancer 一名

1) 中版至慢舞一隻
2) 簡單hip hop technique
3) 排好鰦會有表演在今年八月尾
4) 動作唔快
5) 情感要求會多一些
6) 關於思念的舞蹈, 感覺是苦中帶甜
7) 暫時逢星期二練習, 晚上7-9, 黃大仙
8) 費用全免
9) 唯一要求, 有committment,不能半途而廢
10) 有興趣請聯絡本台台長:6015 3596
stanley looking for 2006-07-27 03:56:48

Hi I am a designer and photograpgher. I am looking for taking a series of photos of a dancer dancing 現代舞 outdoor (both female or male are welcome) as my new photograpghy project . It is non-commercial and also you can keep the photos as souvenir or reference or even portfolio. I will be very appreciate if you or any of your dancer friends can help.

Since I am a very passionate photograpgher, I am always seeking for new photograpghy topic. This is my personal website
www.stanley-yu.com , please reply to my email directly if you are interested. info@stanley-yu.com.

Thanks a lot, regards,