2016-06-20 20:14:25erinks3dp3l

英文家教班 外籍英語老師 arthropod中文意思是什麼

    學英文好方法 全民英檢中高級如何訓練英聽 高雄市英語補習班初級英文課程 英檢中級考試時間多益課程 免費線上英文教學 英文初級教學英檢成績單 成人英文課程我的外籍老師 英語學習教材 全國家教全民網路英檢 英文會話家教一對一補習 高雄找英文家教老師




新竹家教網 英文分班 英文文法線上學習arthropod解釋

adj. 形容詞 節肢動物的。

n. 名詞 節肢動物。

  • Recently, the chinese plant protection agencies reported the growing hardships in controlling some field populations of oriental migratory locust with organophosphate ( op ) compounds. up to now there are more than 600 arthropod species with documented resistance to one or more insecticides and / or acaricides since resistance phenomenon was first described in san jose scale to lime - sulfur in washington in 1908. enhanced metabolic detoxification and reduced sensitivity of insecticide target - sites are the two major mechanisms in resistance development, involving three primary metabolic enzymes of esterases, glutathione s - transferases and cytochrome p450 polysubstrate monooxygenases

    代謝抗性是指對殺蟲劑起水解或隔離作用的酶發生改變,從而對殺蟲劑起到解毒作用,昆蟲主要解毒酶系有酯酶、谷胱甘肽- s -轉移酶、細胞色素p450單加氧酶等,這三種酶系任何一種的組成部分發生改變均會引起害蟲抗性的改變;靶標抗性是指由於殺蟲劑作用靶標敏感度降低而產生的抗性。
  • Analysis on the dominant index of arthropod community in plum orchard

  • Dynamics of arthropod community at the jujube ya英文家教班 外籍英語老師rd in differnet habitats

  • Disinfestations of arthropod pests

  • On the other hand, because of the big quantity of the arthropod fossils, arthropoda is still the phylum which is researched most frequently and deeply


    arthritic, arthrogastra, arthropathy, arthropoda, arthrosis, arthrospore

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