2016-06-16 11:37:20erinks3dp3l

英語每日一句 補習班 英文 admiralty performance coefficient中文意思是什麼

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admiralty performance coefficient中文意思是什麼

admiralty performance coefficient解釋


  • admiralty: n. 1. 海軍大將之職。2. 〈A-〉〈英國〉海軍部。3. 海事法;海事法庭。4. 制海權。
  • performance: n. 1. 執行,實行,履行;完成;實現;償還。2. 行為,動作,行動;工作。3. 性能;特性。4. 功績;成績。5. 演奏;彈奏;演出;(馴獸等的)表演;把戲。6. 【物理學】演績。
  • coefficient: adj. 共同作用的。n. 1. 共同作用;協同因素。2. 【數,物】系數,率;程度。

  • Based on developed experimental testing facility, the shading performances of southing horizontal shading devices, vertical shading devices and integrative shading devices of external windows are measured, the performance parameters including indoor temperature, air - conditioned cooling load and shading coefficient as so on. and the shading coefficient of experimental test results and calculation results based on design standard for building energy efficiency are compared, and the windows5. 2 simulation results are compared also. the measured results are consistent with the calculation results of horizontal shading devices and vertical shading devices

    本文利用研製的建築遮陽性能檢測裝置,對南向水平遮陽板、垂直遮陽板和綜合遮陽板外窗的遮陽性能(包括室內溫度、空調耗冷量和遮陽系數等)進行了實驗測試,並對遮陽系數的實驗測試結果與節能設計標準的計算值以及windows5 . 2軟體的模擬結果進行了比較分析,測試結果表明水平遮陽板和垂直遮陽板外窗的遮陽系數與計算結果比較一致,相對誤差分別為2 . 5 %和4 % ,而綜合遮陽板外窗的遮陽系數與計算結果的差值比較大,相對誤差達到10 %以上。
  • And experimental study on the heat transfer performance and pressure drop characteristic of the process of bubbling evaporative cooling are carried. as there are so little attention and studies on the process bubbling evaporative cooling about heat transfer in the world at present, this paper mainly deals with the effects of the different bare tower velocity, weir height, heat flux density and plate perforation geometries on the heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop of the process of air flowing

  • Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - determination of hygric expansion coefficient

  • First, mathematical model of swaying system is made, which is a basis on later chapters. meanwhile, the system is simulated and designed. the effe幼兒學英文 小朋友學英文 線上英語廣播ct of loaded mass, loaded suppleness, general leaking coefficient and cubage elasticity modulus on performance of system is also analyzed

  • The experiment shows that by changing the velocity coefficient, the separation of boundary layer on pump vane can be controlled, and the performance of pump is improved and its hydraulic efficiency


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    admiralty performance coefficient中文意思是什麼

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