2008-05-24 22:34:18Joan Joan

[V&P] 05/19-05/25

1. amputation n. 【醫】截肢(術);切斷;切除

2. abolish v. 廢除,取消 abolition n.
Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century.

3. dissemble v. 掩蓋(真實感情.意圖);掩飾

4. disengage v. (from) (尤指機器部件等)鬆開,解開; 停止交戰,脫離接觸
Disengage the gear when you park the car.

5. exhort v. 規勸;告誡;激勵
The general exhorted his men to fight bravely.

6. foible n. 缺點;怪癖
My father was always buying himself new hats; it was just one of his little

7. impervious a. (to) 不能透過的; (尤指自己的意見)不受影響的;不易改變的
impervious to her charm

8. incongruity n. 不協調的,不一致的 = incongruousness

9. parentage n. 出身,家系

a child of unknown parentage

10. phantom n. 幽魂;鬼魂;幻影,幻象
the phantoms that troubled his dreams

11. stupor n. 昏迷,恍惚,不省人事
a drunken stupor

12. subjugate v. 使屈服,征服
a subjugated people

13. feasibility n. 可行性 feasible a.
We are having a feasibility study done to find out if the plan will work.

14. proliferation n. 擴散;激增 proliferate v.
the proliferation of nuclear weapons

15. wheedle v. 哄騙 wheedle sth. <-> out (of) 用哄騙的方法從某人那裡取得某

She wheedled him into taking her with him.

root stru(ct) 建構

1.destructive a.破壞的 毀滅性的(+of/to) 無幫助的 =ruinous
It was the most destructive storm in 30 years.

2.obstruct v.堵塞 妨礙 阻擾 擋住(視線) =block
It is a crime for the President to obstruct justice.

root tact,tag,tang 接觸

3.contagious a.(疾病或情感)感染性的 會蔓延的 =epidemic
Chicken pox is a contagious disease.

4.tactician n.戰術家 手段高明的人
CEOs need to be expert tacticians in their fields.

5.tactile a.(有)觸覺的 能觸知的 有形的
Our revolutionary computer game provides a tactile feel, as players
wear these special gloves while they play.

root tain,ten 保持 持有

6.detain v.留住 使耽擱 拘留 扣留
Allow me to detain you for a moment.

7.maintenance n.維持 維修 保養 堅持 主張 生活費
She worked hard to earn money for the maintenance of her family.

8.retain v.保留 記住 聘雇
She retains a clear memory of her school days.

root tend,tens,tent 伸展

9.extensive a.廣大的 大規模的 大量的
We had fairly extensive discussions.

10.tentative a.試驗性的 暫時的 猶豫的
Each step he took was slightly tentative.

1. take place 發生/舉行
When will the basketball game take place?

2. take pride in 以...為榮

3. in turn 依次地/按照順序地
There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke in turn.

4. take up 耗費(時間)/佔用(地方)/研讀/開始
He will takp up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next mo

5. taste of 體驗/領略到
This voyage was his first taste of freedom.

上一篇:[V&P] 05/12-05/18