2006-04-06 16:11:05靈魂的傷口

Carry On

Someone informs me that I should make these two stories complete.
I know it, but how I can do that? May I carry on, please give a reason to push myself to finsih them because I almost have no passion to do that.
Past always has existed in the memory deeply, and it needs time and courage to dig it out, whatever they are all truth or have been re-arranged. BTW, I may keep proceeding backup for other articles, but I have to admit that I have not finish the novel yet.

恩 有愈來愈懶得打中文的趨勢....
前兩天回家祭祖,跟家人溝通了一下. 反對,似乎是大家對於出國與換工作一致的意見, 然巧的是, 前天早上收到教授的回函了. 有點悶啊,其實....我最不想走的路, 卻是其他人希望我繼續的. 看來, 現在要溝通的, 是我和我自己.

或是, 我乾脆辭職去流浪, 當旅行作家....
只怕愚拙的文筆養不活自己, 最後得靠樂捐過生活..

上一篇:Next Stop?

下一篇:Which one?