既然要做, 就要雄霸一方!
這個禮拜成交了第一筆的交易, 錢進賬.
雖然以投資的金額來看, 收入無非是滴水而已, 但這是第一步. 以後會有第二筆, 第三筆, 第一百筆!
既然要做了, 我要做北部最好的, 牌子最大的一家!
如今大開闊斧就這麼進入商界, 發現商人的世界的確比想象中的還要刺激, 還要辛苦, 還要考驗自身.
如何平衡員工的關係? 如何拓展業務? 如何成為一個有魄力的領導者?
每一步都充滿挫折, 自省, 開心, 激動, 每一天都有學習的空間.
當老闆, 每個人都在看, 我的行為, 言語, 不能再像小孩.
不能懦弱, 要勇敢和樂觀
不能專橫, 要會變通和尊重別人的意見
還有, 做生意要霸道一點, 硬一點, 不要太思前想後, 不要太照本宣科, 適當的破壞游戲規則, 在創業初期甚為重要. 按香港人的說法, 要力搏出位!!
好吧, 那麼就讓我鋪天蓋地的宣传吧!
Another thing is, I don't have to please everyone. I'm here to make money, not friends. It is lonely to be at the top of the organisation, I will have to learn to stand it. I will need my support system, but I can't expect all my staff to become my besties. This habit of making sure everyone is happy with me, making sure everyone loves me, must be rid off. I need staff that can deliver results, that are on good terms with me, but certainly I don't need them to be best friends with me.