Things I can accomplish in a day
A lot.
I'm impressed by my own efficiency these days. Generally? I'm pleased with myself.
However there is one thing I'm not pleased about:
Again, it has come down to this: I've been lagging behind in reading English books - I've been watching English cartoons, namely, The Simpsons, but apparently it doesn't help with English writing ability.
To improve writing skills there is no short cut - I've simply got to read more and write more.
So here I am again, back in square 1, 2, 3? Struggling to improve once again.
It just doesn't end. It's a continuous exercise that will last my life time, on second thought, I better as hell make it a hobby of mine, otherwise I'll be tormented for life!!
Ok so I'll try to think of something meaningful to write everyday from now. Or I'll just rant like any other day. No, I'll write something deep and meaningful. ... I'll do it tomorrow.