2011-05-03 23:25:39陽光的笑

Woohoo!! Am I a champ or WHAT?!

I finished a twelve week course in two weeks!!!  Whoopeedoo!

Ok well I've yet to fix up a couple of things and fax through some forms but essentially it's done LOLMAO!!

If only I had taken this serious to my studies back at uni years I would've gotten straight H1s!!

Anyway I'm flying up to Brisbane for a week next week, and I'll be in Sydney either this weekend or next weekend to try on bridesmaid's dress - yes I"m going to be a bridesmaid for the second time this year!!! All very exciting!

Meeting with accountant and lawyer tomorrow! Good times.

ari 2011-05-09 08:16:18

oh damn we definitely haven't spoken for a long time look at my grammar and vocab glitches LOL

ari 2011-05-09 08:14:35

hey how's it going? feels like a while since we last chatted. Naturally I expect you to pack 3 months worth of life in the 1 month between when we last spoke to now - and I've not been let down LOL

My life has been pretty much the same, yes and I feel the prehistoric tortoise pace of my life every time I read your blog. Anyway, I'm trying to kick my Bollywood habit as it is eating too much of my time. Also been trying to kurb/modulate/discipline my plurking pattern. Also waiting to get my CA (the official licence etc) so I can get the hell outta here - and if i dun get my act together by the second half of this year you can remind me of what I said now ;)