2009-09-19 14:13:00大家都是台長

Books and Magazines about Children’s Education

The following books are about children’s education. It is what I have owed Annie for a long time! Others may take a look if you are interested.




I saw this book when I stopped by the bookstore last year. I agreed with the mother’s philosophy.
The mother found a tutor and designed a unique curriculum for her child in stead of sending her to安親班. I worked as a安親 teacher for a while, I didn’t like the environment very much. We had to make students writing worksheets all the time. I recommend this book to all the mothers with young children and anyone who is interested in children’s education.


The book is currently available at 誠品:http://www.eslite.com/product.aspx?pgid=1001130691776289






大家都是台長 2009-09-22 21:29:31

Let's the author's blog:http://carol541106.pixnet.net/blog

She also holds seminars for parents.