2009-08-07 21:42:36大家都是台長

My Taiwan Mobile’s VIP Financial Text Message


I got this free subscription of financial text message from Taiwan Mobile. I searched this sentence from the internet and found it in many financial news articles. I’m trying to practice explaining the grammar and vocabulary in this sentence. I hope you can help me point out any mistakes in my explanation especially the grammar part.

For more financial news updated, please visit Gwhc Blog: http://gracewhc.blogspot.com/2009/08/vip.html

Financial News 0807: Toyota’s hugely popular Prius hybrid ranked as Japan’s top-selling car in July, clinching the spot for the third consecutive month.



1.Toyota Prius hybrid: 日本豐田汽車於1997研發完成,使用汽油引擎和動能馬達混合的技術,比傳統汽車減少50%的汽油消耗量,達到「省油、動力、環保、靜謐」的節能減碳效果。 

資料來源:Toyota Prius hybrid: http://www.toyota.com/prius-hybrid/

Hybrid科技館: http://www.toyota.com.tw/4F_hybrid/4F_index.asp

2. hugely adv. 巨大的;非常

3. ranked as (
) 排名
根據麥克米倫字典的定義:to be good, bad, important, unimportant etc compared with other similar things

例句:This program ranked as the most violent TV show ever seen on television has become more and more popular among teenagers.

4. hybrid 油電混合動力車
根據麥克米倫字典的定義:hybrid: a mixture of different things or styles (不同物質和風格的) 混合物、合成物

根據維基百科的定義:Hybrid vehicle is a vehicle which uses a mixture of power or fuel sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid

5. clinch
得勝;最終贏得 clinching the spot for 競賽中得到成功的位置
根據麥克米倫字典的定義:clinch: to manage to win or achieve something by doing one final thing that makes it certain

相關片語:clinch a victory/game/deal  例句:Tom Johnson scored the goals that clinched the victory. 提姆強生踢進勝負關鍵的幾個球。

6.spot (
競賽等中的) 成功的位置
根據的麥克米倫字典的定義:spot: a position of success when compared with others, for example in a competition
例句:The team has no chance of a spot in the top five. 該隊沒有前5名的機會。

7. consecutive

根據的麥克米倫字典的定義:consecutive: following one another in order with nothing else in between
例句:He has been late now on three consecutive days. 他已經連續三天遲到。



大家都是台長 2009-08-08 22:30:51


If I have money, I will consider buying this type of vehicle. I believe more and more cars like this will be manufactured in the future. We should cut down fuel consumption to save the environment.

Alice 2009-08-08 21:08:50

1. 新聞英文的文法 不同於一般的 所以關於clinching並不是因為句子裡已經有一個動詞 in fact, 句子裡沒有動詞喔--> 新聞
2. rank這個字的用法 大都是被動 因為是 &quot被排名&quot 不是自己排--> 例句錯囉
3. consecutive的第一句例句 這句沒有動詞 要修改的話 我會把following改成follow 然後把and去掉 因為&quotand的前後要接相同的東西&quot