2004-06-03 21:03:25崔維斯
句子 (國中英文文法)
I. 構成句子的兩大因素:__________(Subject)+__________(Verb)。先找出主詞及動詞。而且主詞決定__________。主詞可能是單字、片語或句子。中文裡,如果找不到動詞,英文裡,就給它『 』,因為:所有的動詞裡,只有『 』不必翻譯。
She is a professor, and I am a lawyer.
To teach is to learn.
What the doctor has told you is very important.
Being with you is really nice.
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
她很胖。→ She is very fat.
The United States _________ the strongest country in the world.
Bread and butter _________ my breakfast. (麵包塗上奶油)
但 Milk and bread _________ my breakfast.
Every boy and every girl __________ going to have a party.
Early to bed and early to rise _________ good for your health.
10000 dollars __________ a lot of money.
24 hours makes a day.
II. 一個大句子中,如果有小句子;這些小句子就叫做『 』(Clause)。兩個子句中間,需要一個連接詞(Conjunctions)。
John loves Elisa very much because she is very beautiful.
III. 副詞修飾動詞時,要先翻副詞再翻動詞。但是,修飾動詞的副詞,一般來說,都要放在句尾。
I went to Paris with my girlfriend last month.
IV. 英文句子翻譯時,先翻主詞→副詞或助動詞→動詞→受詞(Object)。 如果有形容詞修飾主詞、受詞,則需先翻形容詞再翻主詞、受詞。如此,譯文才會通順。
The boy in my class doesn't love my sister who is living with my grandma very much.
V. 中文句子翻譯時,先分析何者為連接詞、主詞、副詞、助動詞、動詞、受詞及是否有形容詞修飾主詞、受詞,如此,譯文才會合文法。
(×) He very like I. (他非常喜歡我) → He likes me very much.
VI. 動詞除受主詞影響外,也受到助動詞、副詞(尤其是時間副詞)的影響。三者共同決定動詞的時式。否定句、疑問句中,需要______________。中文裡,如果找不到助動詞,英文裡,就給它『do, does, did』,因為:所有的助動詞裡,只有『do, does, did』不必翻譯。
您會煮飯跟洗碗嗎?→ Can you cook and wash dishes?
你愛我嗎?→ Do you love me?
當我昨天晚上到家的時候,爸爸正在洗碗。→ When I got home last night, Dad was washing dishes.
好的學習者在他們的學習上都很積極。→ Good learners are very active in their learning.
VII. 句子的分類:
A. 單句(Simple Sentence):不含子句的句子。(只有一個主詞動詞的句子)
I work very hard.
B. 合句(Compound Sentence):由『對等子句』+『對等子句』所組成。
She is very poor, but everyone likes her.
C. 複句(Complex Sentence):由『主要子句』+『從屬子句』所組成。
I finally understand why she loves that old bachelor.
D. 複合句(Compound-complex Sentence):由『對等子句』+『對等子句』+『從屬子句』所組成。
I don't know how he was before, but I am sure that he will be good from now on.
A. 直述(敘述)句(Declarative Sentence):包括一般而言的肯定句、否定句。
B. 疑問句(Interrogative Sentence):
(a) Yes-No 問句:可用 Yes, No 回答的是非題。
Do you love me? Yes, I do.
(b) WH- 問句:有疑問詞的問答題或有『or』的選擇題。
Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? Coffee, please.
How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons.
C. 感嘆句(Exclamatory Sentence):
(a) How+形容詞(副詞)+主詞+動詞!
How beautiful the woman is!
How beautifully Mary dances!
(b) What+(形容詞)+名詞+主詞+動詞!
What a nice day it is!
What beautiful women they are!
What a big whale that is!
She is a professor, and I am a lawyer.
To teach is to learn.
What the doctor has told you is very important.
Being with you is really nice.
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
她很胖。→ She is very fat.
The United States _________ the strongest country in the world.
Bread and butter _________ my breakfast. (麵包塗上奶油)
但 Milk and bread _________ my breakfast.
Every boy and every girl __________ going to have a party.
Early to bed and early to rise _________ good for your health.
10000 dollars __________ a lot of money.
24 hours makes a day.
II. 一個大句子中,如果有小句子;這些小句子就叫做『 』(Clause)。兩個子句中間,需要一個連接詞(Conjunctions)。
John loves Elisa very much because she is very beautiful.
III. 副詞修飾動詞時,要先翻副詞再翻動詞。但是,修飾動詞的副詞,一般來說,都要放在句尾。
I went to Paris with my girlfriend last month.
IV. 英文句子翻譯時,先翻主詞→副詞或助動詞→動詞→受詞(Object)。 如果有形容詞修飾主詞、受詞,則需先翻形容詞再翻主詞、受詞。如此,譯文才會通順。
The boy in my class doesn't love my sister who is living with my grandma very much.
V. 中文句子翻譯時,先分析何者為連接詞、主詞、副詞、助動詞、動詞、受詞及是否有形容詞修飾主詞、受詞,如此,譯文才會合文法。
(×) He very like I. (他非常喜歡我) → He likes me very much.
VI. 動詞除受主詞影響外,也受到助動詞、副詞(尤其是時間副詞)的影響。三者共同決定動詞的時式。否定句、疑問句中,需要______________。中文裡,如果找不到助動詞,英文裡,就給它『do, does, did』,因為:所有的助動詞裡,只有『do, does, did』不必翻譯。
您會煮飯跟洗碗嗎?→ Can you cook and wash dishes?
你愛我嗎?→ Do you love me?
當我昨天晚上到家的時候,爸爸正在洗碗。→ When I got home last night, Dad was washing dishes.
好的學習者在他們的學習上都很積極。→ Good learners are very active in their learning.
VII. 句子的分類:
A. 單句(Simple Sentence):不含子句的句子。(只有一個主詞動詞的句子)
I work very hard.
B. 合句(Compound Sentence):由『對等子句』+『對等子句』所組成。
She is very poor, but everyone likes her.
C. 複句(Complex Sentence):由『主要子句』+『從屬子句』所組成。
I finally understand why she loves that old bachelor.
D. 複合句(Compound-complex Sentence):由『對等子句』+『對等子句』+『從屬子句』所組成。
I don't know how he was before, but I am sure that he will be good from now on.
A. 直述(敘述)句(Declarative Sentence):包括一般而言的肯定句、否定句。
B. 疑問句(Interrogative Sentence):
(a) Yes-No 問句:可用 Yes, No 回答的是非題。
Do you love me? Yes, I do.
(b) WH- 問句:有疑問詞的問答題或有『or』的選擇題。
Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? Coffee, please.
How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons.
C. 感嘆句(Exclamatory Sentence):
(a) How+形容詞(副詞)+主詞+動詞!
How beautiful the woman is!
How beautifully Mary dances!
(b) What+(形容詞)+名詞+主詞+動詞!
What a nice day it is!
What beautiful women they are!
What a big whale that is!