2004-02-02 01:01:56崔維斯
介係詞 (精簡版)
I. 定義
介系詞係在敘述句子中其他字之間的關係。"at" 或 "before" 等介系詞本身沒有太大意義,且很難用字來定義。例如,當你試著定義 "on" 或 "below" 或 "around" 等介系詞時,你必須用雙手來表現某物與他物之間的位置關係。介系詞幾乎都是與其他字結合成所謂的介系詞片語結構。介系詞片語的構造似乎都相同:一個介系詞後面接一個或兩個修飾語,再接一個名詞(稱為介系詞的受詞)。然後,這整個片語扮演修飾的角色 -- 作為形容詞或副詞,指出某事物的空間和時間,或說明某事是在何時、何地或何種情況下發生。介系詞在所謂的介系詞片語結構中其後幾乎都是跟隨著介系詞的受詞。若干介系詞除了指出時間或空間外還有其他功能 -- "My sister is like my grandmother."/ "Everybody in the class except Alex got the answer immediately." -- 但他們幾乎都是以某種方式來做修飾用。
II. 一般常見的介系詞
about / above / across / after / against / around / at / before / behind / below / beneath / beside / besides / between / beyond / by / down / during / except / for / from / in / inside / into / like / near / of / off / on / out / outside / over / since / through / without / till / to / toward / under / up / upon / with / throughout / according to / because of / by way of / in addition to / in front of / in place of / in regard to / in spite of / instead of / on account of / out of
III. 時間介系詞 (Prepositions of Time)
我們使用 at 來指定特定的時間:
The bus is due at 9:20 a.m.
我們使用 on 來指定日期:
My cousin is coming on Wednesday.
They're having a party on the Fifth of December.
我們使用 in 來指定一天、一月、一季或一年中非特定的時間:
Annie likes to swim in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to walk outside.
She started the job in 1993.
She's going to quit in January.
IV. 地方介系詞(Prepositions of Place)
我們使用 at 來指定特定的地址:
My grandmother lives at 42 Jhong-siao E. Road in Taipei.
我們使用 on 來指定街道等名稱:
My apartment is on Jhong-siao E. Road.
我們使用 in 來指定陸地區域 (鄉鎮、縣市、州省、國家和洲):
Jonathan lives in Durham.
Durham is in Windham County.
Windham County is in Connecticut.
V. 行動介系詞(Prepositions of Movement)
我們使用 to 來表示朝向某個地方的動作:
They were driving to the National Park.
He's going to the oculist's office tonight.
對於 home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs 等字,我們不用介系詞:
Nina went upstairs. / Amy went home. / We both went outside.
VI. 時間介系詞: for 和 since
我們使用 for 來度量時間 (秒鐘、分鐘、小時、天數、月和年):
Mary held her breath for sixty-five seconds.
He's lived here for three months.
The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries.
對於特定的日期或時間,我們使用 since:
She's worked in Taiwan since 1995.
He's been sitting in the waiting room since two-fifty.
VII. 介系詞與名詞,形容詞和動詞
approval of / awareness of / belief in / concern for / desire for / fondness for / grasp of / hatred of / hope for / interest in / love of / need for / reason for / respect for / success in / confusion about / participation in / understanding of
afraid of / angry at / aware of / capable of / careless about / familiar with / fond of / happy about / interested in / jealous of / made of / married to / proud of / similar to / sorry for / sure of / tired of / worried about
apologize for / ask about / ask for / belong to / bring up / care for / find out / give up / grow up / look for / look forward to / look up / make up / pay for / prepare for / study for / talk about / think about / trust in / worry about
動詞與介系詞的結合被稱為片語動詞 (phrasal verb),而與動詞結合的介系詞則被稱為質詞 (particle)。
VIII. 慣用語與介系詞
→ agree to a proposal, with a person, on a price, in principle
→ argue about a matter, with a person, for or against a proposition
→ compare to 是在顯示相似性,compare with 是在顯示相異之處。
→ correspond to a thing, with a person
→ differ from an unlike thing, with a person
→ live at an address, in a house or city, on a street, with other people
IX. 平行結構中的介系詞
當兩個字或兩個片語採用平行結構且需要相同的介系詞才合乎慣用語的用法 (亦即才是正確的慣用語) 時,這個介系詞不必使用兩次:
→ You can wear that outfit in summer and winter.
→ The male was both attracted and distracted by the female's dance.
→ The girls were interested in and disgusted by the novel.
→ It was obvious that this player could both contribute to and learn from every game she played.
→ The salesman was fascinated by and enamored of this beguiling virgin.
介系詞係在敘述句子中其他字之間的關係。"at" 或 "before" 等介系詞本身沒有太大意義,且很難用字來定義。例如,當你試著定義 "on" 或 "below" 或 "around" 等介系詞時,你必須用雙手來表現某物與他物之間的位置關係。介系詞幾乎都是與其他字結合成所謂的介系詞片語結構。介系詞片語的構造似乎都相同:一個介系詞後面接一個或兩個修飾語,再接一個名詞(稱為介系詞的受詞)。然後,這整個片語扮演修飾的角色 -- 作為形容詞或副詞,指出某事物的空間和時間,或說明某事是在何時、何地或何種情況下發生。介系詞在所謂的介系詞片語結構中其後幾乎都是跟隨著介系詞的受詞。若干介系詞除了指出時間或空間外還有其他功能 -- "My sister is like my grandmother."/ "Everybody in the class except Alex got the answer immediately." -- 但他們幾乎都是以某種方式來做修飾用。
II. 一般常見的介系詞
about / above / across / after / against / around / at / before / behind / below / beneath / beside / besides / between / beyond / by / down / during / except / for / from / in / inside / into / like / near / of / off / on / out / outside / over / since / through / without / till / to / toward / under / up / upon / with / throughout / according to / because of / by way of / in addition to / in front of / in place of / in regard to / in spite of / instead of / on account of / out of
III. 時間介系詞 (Prepositions of Time)
我們使用 at 來指定特定的時間:
The bus is due at 9:20 a.m.
我們使用 on 來指定日期:
My cousin is coming on Wednesday.
They're having a party on the Fifth of December.
我們使用 in 來指定一天、一月、一季或一年中非特定的時間:
Annie likes to swim in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to walk outside.
She started the job in 1993.
She's going to quit in January.
IV. 地方介系詞(Prepositions of Place)
我們使用 at 來指定特定的地址:
My grandmother lives at 42 Jhong-siao E. Road in Taipei.
我們使用 on 來指定街道等名稱:
My apartment is on Jhong-siao E. Road.
我們使用 in 來指定陸地區域 (鄉鎮、縣市、州省、國家和洲):
Jonathan lives in Durham.
Durham is in Windham County.
Windham County is in Connecticut.
V. 行動介系詞(Prepositions of Movement)
我們使用 to 來表示朝向某個地方的動作:
They were driving to the National Park.
He's going to the oculist's office tonight.
對於 home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs 等字,我們不用介系詞:
Nina went upstairs. / Amy went home. / We both went outside.
VI. 時間介系詞: for 和 since
我們使用 for 來度量時間 (秒鐘、分鐘、小時、天數、月和年):
Mary held her breath for sixty-five seconds.
He's lived here for three months.
The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries.
對於特定的日期或時間,我們使用 since:
She's worked in Taiwan since 1995.
He's been sitting in the waiting room since two-fifty.
VII. 介系詞與名詞,形容詞和動詞
approval of / awareness of / belief in / concern for / desire for / fondness for / grasp of / hatred of / hope for / interest in / love of / need for / reason for / respect for / success in / confusion about / participation in / understanding of
afraid of / angry at / aware of / capable of / careless about / familiar with / fond of / happy about / interested in / jealous of / made of / married to / proud of / similar to / sorry for / sure of / tired of / worried about
apologize for / ask about / ask for / belong to / bring up / care for / find out / give up / grow up / look for / look forward to / look up / make up / pay for / prepare for / study for / talk about / think about / trust in / worry about
動詞與介系詞的結合被稱為片語動詞 (phrasal verb),而與動詞結合的介系詞則被稱為質詞 (particle)。
VIII. 慣用語與介系詞
→ agree to a proposal, with a person, on a price, in principle
→ argue about a matter, with a person, for or against a proposition
→ compare to 是在顯示相似性,compare with 是在顯示相異之處。
→ correspond to a thing, with a person
→ differ from an unlike thing, with a person
→ live at an address, in a house or city, on a street, with other people
IX. 平行結構中的介系詞
當兩個字或兩個片語採用平行結構且需要相同的介系詞才合乎慣用語的用法 (亦即才是正確的慣用語) 時,這個介系詞不必使用兩次:
→ You can wear that outfit in summer and winter.
→ The male was both attracted and distracted by the female's dance.
→ The girls were interested in and disgusted by the novel.
→ It was obvious that this player could both contribute to and learn from every game she played.
→ The salesman was fascinated by and enamored of this beguiling virgin.