2009-08-23 23:02:34eng_learning

Extra practice next week~By Sharon

About "how to introduce Taiwan to a foreign friends"

I have some experience in communicating with exchange students from US.
They are very curious about the famous food in Taiwan.
When we went to nightmarket together, it's hard to explain some famous
food to them.
So I search some learning material to share, hoping we can describe Taiwan better.

Some oriental snacks(小吃與名產篇)
1. 蚵仔煎   Oyster omelet
2.珍珠奶茶  Pearl milk tea
3.小籠包    Steamed dumplings
4.鹽酥雞     Fried chicken pieces
5. 肉圓      Meatballs
6. 臭豆腐   stinky tofu
7. 剉冰      shaved ice
8. 麻辣火鍋 spicy hot pot
9. 牛肉麵    beef noodles
10. 粽子     stinky rice dumplings
-----------oral 中提到的
11.豆花      Tofu pudding
12.豆漿      soymilk
13.榴璉      durian
14.牛肉乾   beef jerky
15.雞肉飯   chicken rice

Some Questions
Q1: What is stinky tofu??
A1: Stinky tofu is a form of fermented tofu, whick has a strong odor. Stinky    tofu can steamed, stewed, or most commonly, fried. It often accompanied by chili sauce.

Q2: What is shaved ice??
A2: Shaved ice is a dessert. It is crushed ice with sliced fresh fruit or other sweet toppings such as peanuts, taro and red beans on the top.

Q3: What is pearl milk tea??
A3: It is made with milk tea and chewy tapioce balls.

下列是許多老外常問關於台灣的問題~~ 我們可以來討論討論

Q1: What local treats would you recommend to bring home??
Q2: What is XX (ex: Taipei) famous for??
Q3: Why do Chinese people dislike the number 4?
Q4: Why are Taiwanese so much into politics?
Q5: Why is Taiwan's electronics industry doing so well??
Q6: What's Taiwan's main religion??
Q7: What are the three most important holidays in Taiwan?
Q8: It is said there are many earthquakes in Taiwan, how often do they occur?
Q9: What is the "ghost month"??
Q10: Are there any famous Taiwanese in the world??