2009-08-05 11:55:28eng_learning

Actions for Global Warming--Vic

       Mass media are raising the awareness of global warming by broadcasting the news that the habitats of some species are threatened, like polar bears, and we need to take some actions to help them, or the next generations can only see those creatures on books and pictures.  Touched by the news, I have come up with several things that we can do to help them, which are: taking public transportation, developing alternative energy and planting trees.


     Taking public transportation is one of the ways to reduce the green house gases released by vehicles.  Most of us can afford at least one car or scooter nowadays, and we all know that the green house gases are the main reason of the rise of the temperature of the earth.  Therefore, we should take advantage of the public transportation system whenever possible.  If we still love driving our beloved automobiles or scooters, and then we need to develop an alternative energy.


    The alternative energy should be used to replace the fossil fuel, which is widely used by factories, vehicles and lots of businesses.  The development of it is extremely important because those factories and businesses need to make profit by burning the fossil fuel, and vehicles are powered by it as well.  Although the government can regulate the use of it, in the long run, we still need to find something “green” and eco-friendly.


    When it comes to being environmentally friendly, we need to take a look at deforestation.  I think the cause of it is still money.  Some lucrative businesses chop down lots of trees for the purpose of making money.  This act has led to the consequence that there is a shortage of trees to absorb carbon dioxide.  To solve this problem, we need to plant trees.  In order to make it more probable, the government can have a regulation that people who chop down one tree should plant ten or more.


    Based on the discussion above, I think the global warming should be dealt with from three aspects: public transportation system, alternative energy and deforestation.  Only by tackling this global issue promptly can we save the lives of those endangered species.