2008-07-15 07:53:10愛米粒
《美》2008 Philly Trip- July 5
Emily with her bling bling flag at Penn’s landing
On July 5, our first destination is the National Constitution Center.
Outside the National Constitution Center, there were some vendors. They had
authentic clothing from the Revolutionary period that visitors could try on and
have their pictures taken for free!
On July 5, our first destination is the National Constitution Center.
Outside the National Constitution Center, there were some vendors. They had
authentic clothing from the Revolutionary period that visitors could try on and
have their pictures taken for free!
We were attracted by a profile-shade vendor. The artist was a middle-age
woman who is from New Jersey. She drew our profiles on papers and cut them.
woman who is from New Jersey. She drew our profiles on papers and cut them.
The artist, Emily and Emily’s profile. I was surprised to see the profile shade
because it resembled me very very much! Think so?
because it resembled me very very much! Think so?
In the National Constitution Center, they had a vendor to provide visitors
(especially for kids) with making their own flags. Of course, I made one!! I was
working so hard on making my super flag.
(especially for kids) with making their own flags. Of course, I made one!! I was
working so hard on making my super flag.
See~~ my super bling bling flag!!!! :)
Actually, they provided visitors (especially for kids again!!) with some vendors to make interesting things by their own, such as tattoo. I wanted to make a tattoo,
too. When I approached to the vendor, a kid told me SERIOUSLY. She said this activity was just for kids under 12!!! So shameful! :(
Actually, they provided visitors (especially for kids again!!) with some vendors to make interesting things by their own, such as tattoo. I wanted to make a tattoo,
too. When I approached to the vendor, a kid told me SERIOUSLY. She said this activity was just for kids under 12!!! So shameful! :(
There are lots of statues of some famous politicans of the United States.
I decided to share generously my bling bling flag with them!! haha...
Does the photo look like I had a seminar with these two famous politicans?
Actually I really don’t know who they are!! haha....
Then, We went to Betsy Ross House and walked in the Old city area.
I decided to share generously my bling bling flag with them!! haha...
Does the photo look like I had a seminar with these two famous politicans?
Actually I really don’t know who they are!! haha....
Then, We went to Betsy Ross House and walked in the Old city area.
The United States Mint. I should have ”borrowed” some US dollars from them....
In the evening, we went to Penn’s landing again for fireworks.
Again, the weather was still not so good. It was raining while fireworks
Again, the weather was still not so good. It was raining while fireworks
After fireworks show, we were starving. We went to the Sammy’s.
I ordered a cheese chicken and cheese fries... greasy!!!!
I ordered a cheese chicken and cheese fries... greasy!!!!
After having dinner, I went to Franklin ice cream parlor!! I had been there two
years ago and I really love their ice cream!!
years ago and I really love their ice cream!!