2003-11-21 09:14:02Linda

answer e-mail from Junko

Dear Chang,

I got your e-mail just now.
I am so surprised and glad to know the news of your marriage!
How did you come to know each other?
How long have you been keeping company with him?
What is his job?
...I want to ask you a lot of questions, but anyway I am so glad
to get a good news.
And it would be nice to live in Canada!
I want to visit you some day.
You must be busy preparing for your marriage, but please
let me know about your marriage ceremony and new life,
I am looking forward to getting your e-mail again.
Bye, say hello to John.


P.S. Misaki is asking me to say you "Congratulations!"

P.S. I sent you a letter a few days ago, because I hadnot
received your e-mail you had told me on the phone.
Please omit my letter when you get it.