2011-08-16 10:01:43Linda

John and his new bike


John 非常不喜歡戴安全帽,因朋友送他新的腳踏車速度滿快


John doesn't like to wear a helmet,
but this new bike (his friend bought it for him as a gift)
goes really fast. So I insisted John has to put on helmet if he wants to ride the bike.
John wore the helmet only because it was the same colour as his shirt and (according to John) looks good 


Lesile: 很快就發現安全帽跟T-Shirt同色系

並回應: 我們相信自己的技術,但不可相信台灣的交通!

Max: 安全第一呢,要告訴他台灣的交通不比加拿大呀

Joyce: how sweet wife^^"

結果John用中文替自己辯解: 我非常不喜歡戴安全帽,太熱.

換Leslie Li 不相信John會Keying 中文: I can't believe that you type exactly

correct Chinese!

Linda:他一定是用偷吃步,用google 翻譯,再copy then paste 哈哈

Leslie : 哈哈哈,但是這樣也很歷害內!文法完全正確!

最後跟Joyce 約好等天氣涼點就去台北騎腳踏車 


