2009-08-26 08:41:53E in New Zealand

5 degreese , Im in Auckland

5 degreese in Auckland's air . Im here .

Been long time no blog stuff , just waitting everything's settel down . Maybe no one read this blog .

Thats fine , feel more confortble to write it , keke .

What pure blue sky in NewZealnd , the south side of earth . feeling cool n " cold " ....Its winter time here .Damm it ..hahaha thank god i have a big hetter here :p . From heart ....
I think i need to say thank for him , let me get used to western life easier . Actaully my life style is quite western tho . From last week , i start to feel thats my life not his . Thats feeling good , u dont feel u cant live without him . But also can feel his sweet .

Te Mata Beach house , on road side ..........

stay one night at his grandpa beach ouse , thats fantastic night .

First time try home made kiwi dinner from his daddy , first time spend one night with western family, dramatic , sweet , warm  n lovely cats .
Next morning , wake up from warm bed . looking out of window , wow )))every family has orange tree , cute n also has many many onrange on tree .

Love the way u cook , Thai style dinner n fresh yumy salad .ahhhh NZ cheese n avocado is awesome !!!
