It’s right! You are the best in the world. So everyone shouldn’t dislike himself/herself. Because you love yourself and then others will love you too.
【2024.3.1】 濕冷的一天。出國前忙裡忙外,心裡糾結著是否要打流感疫苗?自恃很少感冒就拖著沒去打。今天起床時喉嚨卡卡的不
今天出太陽 不洗衣服怎對得起太陽? 哈哈哈 中午吃了周媽午餐 下午原本要出去全聯 但又不想周末去人擠人 因為我只是想買牙膏
It’s right! You are the best in the world. So everyone shouldn’t dislike himself/herself.
Because you love yourself and then others will love you too.