2004-10-19 11:58:35eLeaf

仙人掌吸收輻射 太神話

其實這已經是老"笑話"了. 兩年前我跟幾個朋友就已討論過了, 其中一封e-mail被我弄丟了. 以下是其中一個朋友當年的回應:

Written by Eric Hu (burningtyger@hotmail.com)
- please forward ^^

>>據醫學報告指出每天使用電腦 46小時

- Give me reference, citation, and name of the medical journal
(side effect of me writing too much thesis... :p)

>>* 中午睡覺時要記得關電腦

- Right.... radiation is emitted from "motherboard" (which runs on max 15V DC),rather than the "monitor" (which transform 60VAC to ~200VAC to excite Cathode ray tube to shoot electrons... Ever wonder why there's a "HIGH VOLTAGE" label on the back of monitor ??)

>>* 電腦族的殺手--胸廓出口症

- As mentioned, this is due to improper sitting position and has nothing to do with computer radiation.

>>* 殺手原來是" 電腦 "
>>你和" 癌症 "有個約會,殺手原來是" 電腦 "

- Huh!?, using computer "46" hours a day?? My god... no wonder you get
cancer. (more like brain dead...)

>>" 電腦 "所散發出的輻射電波往往為人們所忽視,依國際MPRⅡ防輻射安全規

- MPRII standard is an environment standard set by "Swedisch Board for
Technical Accreditation" to ensure that man-made electric field is not higher than the pre-existing background electric field. For ELF (5-2kHz, Extremely Low Freq) electric field should be less than 25V/m within 50m distance. There are also other similar reguartion (and stricter) such as TCO'99 (which limits to 10V/m within 30m). The main application for these standard are on Monitor.

- However, these standard are not just set for fun. They are like ISO
standards and most monitor manufacturer worldwide such as NEC and MISUBISHI actually follows them.

- Note: see reference at bottom

>>Ⅰ、鍵盤 1000V/m
>>Ⅱ、滑鼠 450V/m
>>Ⅲ、螢幕 218V/m
>>Ⅳ、主機 170V/m
>>Ⅴ、Notebook 2500V/m

- Once again, allows me to stress the MPRII standard are only used on

- Allows me to explain how a CRT monitor works. Cathod Ray Tube essentially is a vacuum tube. A stream of electrons is emitted from the heated Cathode and acclerated by the high potential difference applied on anode. The electron stream then bombards on the phosphor coated screen causing it to glow, and creats the image on the screen. And YES, these produce some electromagnetic field, mainly from the high voltage electromagnets used to accelerate electron.

- However, LCD monitor (those used in notepad) uses different principle. In short LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is based on the effect that the crystal can be turned transparent or opaque due to different voltage applied on it. So no high voltage, no radiation!!!.

- And MOUSE and KEYBOARD emits more radiation than Monitor?? And up to
1000V/m?? hah... good one....

>>1、細胞癌化促進作用 (o my god!)
>>2、荷爾蒙不正常    (小心變倫妖!!偶不要@@||||)
>>3、鈣離子激烈流失 (no!no!)
>>4、痴呆症的引發 (..............痴呆-_-||||||,偶平常就呆呆滴ㄚ

>>5、異常妊娠異常生產 (冬天很冷,不企游泳沒關係!可素夏天還素得小心)
>>6、高血壓心臟病 (么么........么么九,光看完就要心臟併發啦!)
>>7、電磁波過敏症 (跟微波爐一樣喔!)
>>8、自殺者的增加 (別讓我看到刀ㄓㄨ˙........)

- There are two misleading concepts about radiation here. All these
symptons are associated with power frequency, or microwave/radiofrequency field commonly found in cell phone, microwave, or high voltage power line. They are of frequency from 1 Mega Hertz (radio freq) to 10 Giga Hertz (microwave freq). According to data from WHO (World Health Organization), the only major concern now is leukemia and other cancer from people living near power line, but not much from cell phone base station or cell phone itself.

- However, the radiation from CRT monitor is "Static Field". They are among Extremely Low Frequency (1Hz to 2KHz), and Very Low Frequency (2KHz to 400KHz). MPRII regulates the amount of ELF and VLF a monitor can emit. Moreover, according to WHO, there is not much concern or theory on how static field can cause cancer or other health problem.

>>* 仙人掌的功用說明:

- YEAH, so is my ASS but I don't see people use it to prevent radiation. (prolong exposure of ass to sun light due to sleeping till noon... :p).

- Seriously though, catcus can absorb radiation is the biggest joke I've ever heard. The only material that can absorb (or bounce off) radiation is CONDUCTOR (i.e. METAL). From Maxwell's equation and Boundary condition,
electromagnetic field has only a certain "skin depth" that it can pentrate metal (also called Shielding Effect). This is why you use Metal Case for computer motherboard to prevent external magnetic field affecting the computer. This is also why you have a "metal screen" on the glass window of microwave to prevent leakage of electromagnetic field, and the same reason why you shouldn't put metal
spoon in microwave. (phew.. 4 yr of Electrical Engineering sure paid off...even though I only get 65% on "Electromagnetic Field")

- Go ahead use the computer all you want. It won't give you cancer, just near sightness, muscle sore, elbow ache, headache, internet addiction, frustration, social isolaion, etc. (but they won't kill you...)


1. MPRII-Swedish Standards for Monitor Emissions, EMF

2. TCO and MPRII regulations

3. Radiation Safety

4. NEC monitor official site

5. Static Electric and Magnetic Fields and Human Health (From WHO,

6. Power Lines and Cancer FAQs (From WHO, www.who.org)

7. ANY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD BOOK (that does not have a picture of a catcus
on it)

Reference Article:

仙人掌吸收輻射 太神話

【大成報 記者 丁彥伶/報導】  雖然大家都擔心電器的電磁波和輻射線影響健康,但卻無法抗拒對電腦、電視(新聞、網站、商品)的依賴,最近網路上流傳了一個訊息,建議愛上網的電腦族及愛看電視的人在電腦螢幕前擺棵仙人掌,據說仙人掌吸收電磁波及輻射的效果特好,不過台灣大學園藝系教授凌德麟卻表示,這根本未經證實,是錯誤的訊息。


