2010-03-20 09:49:31長風

About my first two weeks here

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Dear JY,

Sincere apologies for not being able to answer your inquiry of my situation here. Having arrived here for over two weeks, I am still struggling with some little things for settling down. I feel ashamed to complain since that won’t bring anything positive; yet, I can’t really answer you with an easy tone, saying that I am doing well. That was why I hesitated to reply you, even though I felt very touched by your warm concern.

The day I arrived was near the end of the second term of the academic year 2009-2010. Apparently I arrived here either too early or too late. Toward the end of a term, both teachers and students were busy with examination or essays. Since it was the end of a term, I automatically became a ‘special case’ in all respects, for all kinds of administration. Rather than being taught how the systems worked, as other fellows, I have to ‘discover’ what is going on by myself, piece by piece.

The first two weeks somehow seemed stressful to me. Most likely it is because I wish to get things right ASAP or my heart would find difficulty to be peaceful and relaxed. I started to wonder, though, how you worked the things out when you started a new life in a foreign country. I am particularly curious about your mental condition during the beginning stage.

I managed to talk with some friends yesterday. It surprisingly appeared, however, that my depression was not a result of misfortune. On the contrary, it was because of my being spoiled by the super good luck.

Needless to say, it makes me to be envied that I could have such a chance to spend one year here, a beautiful, archaic town where is full of cultural atmosphere. In addition, that I don’t have to struggle from language problem is also a blessing, especially when the place where people helped me to improve my English was Hawaii, a super friendly paradise.

People in the institute with which I am affiliated are, fortunately, extremely nice and friendly. My supervisor is said to be the nicest teacher here. And he did try his best, regardless of his crazily busy schedule, to lead me to the people with whom I could consult in most of respects. In addition, the weather had been extremely nice -shiny and clean- for my first week here. People told me that it was a rare phenomenon and that it may be me that brought sunshine here.

I wish that was the case.

By calculating all the conditions, it is embarrassing for me to complain. As things stand, I can’t say that I’m doing well. Nevertheless, I do believe that all the difficulties, as they appear, are actually a blessing which will lead a beautiful and fruitful outcome. It may matter little, then, how I am doing now. It is the fruit of going through all of this that makes me curious.

Thanks again for your inquiry which makes me thinking more carefully instead of simply expressing the feeling. I will let you know how things go as soon as the new term starts.

Hope everything goes well with you.



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