2022-07-22 16:09:06ehsakfhsn

Basic Precautions for Herbal Dehydrators

The herbal dehydrator is one of the important equipment in the herb dehydrator  production line. The device is often placed before the herbal dryer. When using, the material is first sent to the herbal dehydrator to achieve rapid moisture removal in the dehydrator. Remove and control at about 70%, and then the dehydrated and boiled materials are further dried in a dryer.


In order to save the cost in the drying process, the importance of the dehydrator cannot be ignored. A good dehydrator will often become the right-hand man of the dryer.


Matters needing attention in normal use. When using the equipment, the materials should be dehydrated in strict accordance with the equipment use specifications. Other materials that are not used should be dehydrated after consulting the equipment manufacturer, followed by the screw extrusion dehydrator in daily life. If you encounter various problems during use, you should deal with them in strict accordance with the requirements.




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