2022-06-27 15:00:07ehsakfhsn

Classification of RFID electronic label cards

RFID electronic tags can be divided into two categories: ​RFID cards passive RFID tags and active RFID tags:

1. Passive RFID electronic tag: The radio frequency tag adopts the frequency hopping working mode, has anti-interference ability, can customize the reading and writing of standard data, and is more efficient in special application systems, and the reading distance can reach 0-10 meters.

2. Active RFID electronic tag: Also known as active RFID electronic tag, it is a type of electronic tag divided according to the different power supply methods of electronic tags. It usually supports long-distance identification, and the common reading distance is 100 meters.

Active electronic tags are equipped with batteries, passive radio frequency tags have no built-in batteries, and semi-passive electronic tags rely on batteries to work.


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