2007-08-11 20:44:48Edmond
Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Social Workers Network
Mission statement:
‧To provide lesbian and gay social workers and social work students with a peer network that promotes connection, positive interaction and mutual support.
‧To celebrate the contributions lesbian and gay social workers make to the profession.
‧To provide continuing education in order to empower social workers to better serve the needs of lesbian and gay service users and expand their clinical and community based practice.
‧ To promote social justice on behalf of lesbian and gay people.
‧To support research that contributes to the existing body of social work knowledge with an emphasis on lesbian and gay cultural competency.
1. 與社會服務機構或同志團體合作開辦同志支援小組
2. 舉辦講座,討論輔導同志的技巧
3. 舉行內部交流會及個案分享
Criterion of membership:
‧This network is open to all lesbian and gay social workers or social work students only.
‧If you would like to join, please e-mail us on gaysocialworker@yahoogroups.com.hk
Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Social Workers Network
Hong Kong Social Workers Network for Sexual Diversity
Mission statement:
‧To celebrate the contributions lesbian and gay social workers make to the profession.
‧To provide continuing education in order to empower social workers to better serve the needs of lesbian and gay service users and expand their clinical and community based practice.
‧ To promote social justice on behalf of lesbian and gay people.
‧To support research that contributes to the existing body of social work knowledge with an emphasis on lesbian and gay cultural competency.
1. 與社會服務機構或性小眾團體合作開辦支援小組
2. 舉辦講座,討論輔導不同性傾向人士的技巧
3. 舉行內部交流會及個案分享
Criterion of membership:
‧This network is open to all lesbian and gay social workers or social work students only.
‧If you would like to join, please e-mail us on
Hong Kong Social Workers Network for Sexual Diversity
Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Social Workers Network
Mission statement:
‧To provide lesbian and gay social workers and social work students with a peer network that promotes connection, positive interaction and mutual support.
‧To celebrate the contributions lesbian and gay social workers make to the profession.
‧To provide continuing education in order to empower social workers to better serve the needs of lesbian and gay service users and expand their clinical and community based practice.
‧ To promote social justice on behalf of lesbian and gay people.
‧To support research that contributes to the existing body of social work knowledge with an emphasis on lesbian and gay cultural competency.
1. 與社會服務機構或同志團體合作開辦同志支援小組
2. 舉辦講座,討論輔導同志的技巧
3. 舉行內部交流會及個案分享
Criterion of membership:
‧This network is open to all lesbian and gay social workers or social work students only.
‧If you would like to join, please e-mail us on gaysocialworker@yahoogroups.com.hk
Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Social Workers Network
Hong Kong Social Workers Network for Sexual Diversity
Mission statement:
‧To celebrate the contributions lesbian and gay social workers make to the profession.
‧To provide continuing education in order to empower social workers to better serve the needs of lesbian and gay service users and expand their clinical and community based practice.
‧ To promote social justice on behalf of lesbian and gay people.
‧To support research that contributes to the existing body of social work knowledge with an emphasis on lesbian and gay cultural competency.
1. 與社會服務機構或性小眾團體合作開辦支援小組
2. 舉辦講座,討論輔導不同性傾向人士的技巧
3. 舉行內部交流會及個案分享
Criterion of membership:
‧This network is open to all lesbian and gay social workers or social work students only.
‧If you would like to join, please e-mail us on
Hong Kong Social Workers Network for Sexual Diversity
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