2004-12-15 02:00:31小玲

trip to edinburgh


本來都諗到唔會係好玩既trip ,因為主要係參觀法庭

一早起身 見到出面..s**t ..落大雨...唉 乜mood 都冇晒

出到queen street station..幾個人到左..等到9 點 janet (my tutor) 到左 , 大約有half of the class 甩底included Iman ...我真係唔知佢做乜架law 佢係冇乜約會係唔甩或架law...約過佢3次 甩足3次...今次佢話有doctor appointment..但係我真係唔多覺佢有咩病law...唉 可能我唔知咁多喇....

ok 坐左one hour train 到edinburgh..第一站.court of session...我地真係入到聽審架...但係我一字都catch 唔到...一來字眼太深 二來有點細聲...個court 主要係for appeal .. 好似話第一單係 rape case..我見到個犯... 佢地都幾 disorganise..有3個judges 不停咁搵doc...lawyers又aplogise this and that...then 聽左20 min 就要走

本來plan 左去high court. 但係話有個court close 左and 有一單我interest 去聽..係about jodi mitchell 一單scotland 都幾大既case is about a school girl ,16 懷疑係俾佢男朋友murder, 都審左好耐. 今日2.00 係high court 審.janet said that's too late for us ...so just left that.

we were suggested to go to sheriff court,聽左2 個case 一個係刑事毀壞 wha 個犯個樣係100% 吸毒樣 that's really scared me ....another was 盜竊

after that we had lunch @ pizza hut...個個都食好少野 law.. 我想架...但係個個停晒手....

after lunch we walked to the scottish paraliment 個building 都幾靚 但係唔match paraliment 似gallery 多D..好悶喇 都冇乜野睇 本來到聽meeting ..but too late..

點解我話今日個trip 好慘coz weather was too bad windy rainy and cold.