2008-05-03 22:10:07西衣


別拿別人的來看待自己的標準 我對自己的警惕

別人手機沒電有貼心手機 That is them
別人噓寒問暖像老夫老妻 That is them
別人吵吵鬧鬧感情更甜蜜 That is them
別人天天有情歌情歌對唱 That is them
別人還當早晨新聞廣播機 That is them
別人早晨有一杯熱飲窩心 That is them
別人照片裡記錄著點點滴 That is them
別人我愛你讓女孩甜在心 That is them
別人在狀態打女孩多愛你 That is them
別人交換愛情日記好美麗 That is them
別人情侶鞋裝配T-Shirt   That is them
別人男人掏錢付費應該地 That is them
別人上下學接送的好司機 That is them

雖然自己掩埋狂妄貪婪 想要這些
但是我清醒著自己 給自己一點退怯.現在也純淨的空間