2014-03-11 22:33:19david

To Cameron

Hi! Cameron,
     Long time no see,
I am very pleased to receive your letter.

         You must have a nice substantial and smug in Salt Lake City, My best wishes to your   family happy and healthy. 

 You always had the dream to climb Yushan in Taiwan, four years ago for some reason did   not take place, look forward to your dreams can come true this year!

      Taiwan's Yushan you want to know the current situation, I drove carrying my son, to be taken to the place of Yushan. I photographed some of the Yushan photos, please take your   time to enjoy.

The following photos are a few days ago specifically for you to shoot.

The photo above, sharp peaks on the  right  is Yushan  Main Peak .

In the photo on the right, there are residual traces of snow peaks, it is Yushan North Peak.

Not seen for many years, your son should have grown up and become a handsome boy.

If you can bring your kids to climb Yushan, that was the best and wonderful thing!

Ps. Alishan situation:  http://blog.xuite.net/leezm/blog

(悄悄話) 2014-03-19 07:46:02
(悄悄話) 2014-03-19 06:09:44