2004-04-15 14:03:58渡客 -- 亂世佳人
[Love’s not Love] 愛情竟這樣顛倒

愛情竟這樣顛倒, 真令人遺憾......
She dreams of him that has forgot her love;
You dote on her that cares not for your love.
’Tis pity love should be so contrary......
~ 莎士比亞
於<維羅納二紳士> 第四幕第四景
愛情竟這樣顛倒, 真令人遺憾......
She dreams of him that has forgot her love;
You dote on her that cares not for your love.
’Tis pity love should be so contrary......
~ 莎士比亞
於<維羅納二紳士> 第四幕第四景